Ban Apology (Quadruple J)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Quadruple J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: beastkill6rnl
Your Roleplay Name: lenndrik doe
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: / Extended for 2.6, 3.2 - User used third-party communication software to communicate in-character information over discord. User Knew that metagaming was occurring in the discord and failed to report it

Why should this appeal be considered?: after a long search i got some scraps tougheter and i wanna explain a few things here so about the screen sharing i dident know it wasnt allowed i was banned at the time i asked for screensharing i thought meta gaming was somthing that could inflict choices of other people at the time i did not know that watching screenshare could do that infect the one time i watched screenshare i muted my own mic while watching deandre i umuted it at this moment and i found some clips back everything has a time stamp so you know its real ( ) and i have a photo of discord aswell if needed about the few messages i send which where like 4 max i find it really rough because i got a ban of 1 month and 1 week and there are litteral people that where in vcs 6 hours a day to talk to each other while playing which i couldent even do because i was banned + i litterly gave you all perms to look trough the discord server to find proof to man me i dont know why i am getting punished this hard while i was on a litteral ban so i have no clue how i couldve given any info that led to all this! my whole ban sheet is clean when it comes down to meta gaming my great friend ASrox was banned for 2 weeks and i did like the same i only did screenshare which was more but i only watched screenshare once and tbh i think im pretty lucky of having these clips so what i wanna say it sorry thats why i am making this since why would i do all of this if i wasnt even tho this will get denied probaly i just feel boring since my ban and it would mean the world to me if you can look into all of this at this point its just a unlucky stample of things at once :(

Additional Information: i really did not mean anthing bad or and did not know it wasnt allowed
Reaction score

You added 1 sentence as a difference between the "apologies".

Try make an apology instead of a story telling session.
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