Ban Dispute (dubble J)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: dubble J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: lenn / BEASTKILL6RNL
Your Roleplay Name: lenndrik doe
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: / Extended for 2.6, 3.2 - User used third-party communication software to communicate in-character information over discord. User Knew that metagaming was occurring in the discord and failed to report it


hy should this appeal be considered?: after a long search i got some scraps tougheter and i wanna explain a few things here so about the screen sharing i dident know it wasnt allowed i was banned at the time i asked for screensharing i thought meta gaming was somthing that could inflict choices of other people at the time i did not know that watching screenshare could do that infect the one time i watched screenshare i muted my own mic while watching deandre i umuted it at this moment and i found some clips back everything has a time stamp so you know its real ( ) and i have a photo of discord aswell if needed about the few messages i send which where like 4 max i find it really rough because i got a ban of 1 month and 1 week and there are litteral people that where in vcs 6 hours a day to talk to each other while playing which i couldent even do because i was banned + i litterly gave you all perms to look trough the discord server to find proof to man me i dont know why i am getting punished this hard while i was on a litteral ban so i have no clue how i couldve given any info that led to all this! my whole ban sheet is clean when it comes down to meta gaming my great friend ASrox was banned for 2 weeks and i did like the same i only did screenshare which was more but i only watched screenshare once and tbh i think im pretty lucky of having these clips so what i wanna say it sorry thats why i am making this since why would i do all of this if i wasnt even tho this will get denied probaly i just feel boring since my ban and it would mean the world to me if you can look into all of this at this point its just a unlucky stample of things at once :(

Additional Information: i really did not mean anthing bad or and did not know it wasnt allowed

he told me this was not a appoligy but that comes because im just bad at it so then i made this 4 hours later btw the first appeal was 3 weeks after the ban HERE IT IS:

as my bans said i am banned for meta gaming and not reporting it.

i am sorry for joining screenshare, at the time i did not know it wasnt allowed deandre / paul diden't know either i dident try encourage him to meta game i just really missed perp which i know even miss more since my ban is 2 months this occured a single time me being in a voice call at all where in i watched screenshare which is very very silly i did not know it was an issue since i was banned.

about my messages next everyone was sending a message which i ofcorse shouldent have followed them in aswell as me being an server admin on discord instead i shouldve warned them for it so we made a new discord server and we are trying to take a full distance from eldon because what he did is just a big no go we made a anti meta gaming discord based on perp which i will include a link for so you can fully check it out '''ps is a drug dealer location channel and a phone register channel allowed?'' me and deandre host it.

when i gave you all the perms to gather the proof was because i knew i made mistakes for not reporting my friend but they are my only friends to play perp with and i am scared they dont wanna play since they kicked me from the org i am really sorry for my mistakes and my silly actions and it wont happen again and i wish i never happend i miss perp and everyday feel boring without it i have dyslection and i have put great afford in making this i hope my spelling is good all the links will be in "Additional information"

here the dispute start: so he denied that which is totally up to him since its an "apoligy" but my problem is that i have a 2 month ban which of 1 month and 1 week comes from this i am trying to dispute ban length here so asrox is a great friend me and him only send a few messages thats it which ofcorse is still meta gaming but i feel that its super unfair since he got 2 weeks and i have 2 months i got more then people being in vcs on discord 6 hours a day + i gave doubble j all perms to find proof etc my record is clean how far it goes so i dont get why i got 2 months instead of 2 weeks i hoped i dident have to go dispute again but this is the biggest **** *** the only one that has 2 months is santiago and me and thats just so shit for me since i did the least all around asrox did send the same amount of messages and .

Additional Information: rough
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This was his denial I'm sure this scene gives you a TL;DR no clue what it means
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United Kingdom

You cannot dispute ban length, if you feel the ban length is invalid I suggest you make a staff complaint

Here the dispute start: so he denied that which is totally up to him since its an "apoligy" but my problem is that i have a 2 month ban which of 1 month and 1 week comes from this i am trying to dispute ban length
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I know this is already denied but I thought I'd give you some back story even though you've already had some.

You were banned, originally, by myself for 2
5 and 3.4. A1L then accepted a Action request on you and extended the length with my permission. You were then found to be metagaming so it was extended again.
You tried apologising 3 times yesterday. Mim denied the first one, I denied the 2nd one so it should be evident that maybe you should wait until apologising for a third time.

No matter how many times we denied it you kept making them so, at the end, a Tl;Dr was posted (Too long, didn't read) which included a clip which said "No" as you clearly weren't getting the message.

As I said, you can wait out the ban or make a complaint for the length.
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