Action Request - Venomine/Snafu By Ljungberg

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La Cosa Nostra
Your Steam/In-game Name: Ljungberg // Robin Ljungberg
His Steam/In-game Name: Venomine & Snafu // Both Unknown. Got their names somewhere.
His/Her SteamID: Unknown at this time.

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

Okay so this is what happened. Me and @Feng Yamaguchi was fucking around with this guy at the PD @Snafu nothing too serious, absolutely nothing to kill for, ever. He was really pissing me off, so I kept making fun of him right, he kept following me saying shit, we had a little fight, so yeah, nothing really to kill for is it, its just 3 lads verbaly abusing eachother.

So I kept going with Feng, we later ended up Dead/Jailed/Handcuffed because of other reasons, I got out of Jail and went into a random car, they were screaming that they were going to mug me etc (Heard in the video) so when they stopped at the Hospital, I jumped out cuz I couldn't be bothered with their trolling, I went to Garage to get my car out, when I suddenly heard @Feng Yamaguchi Screaming so I wen't to help him obviously, 1 second later we both got shot from behind for some retarded reason, still don't get the reason to this moment. This area is completely Public, theres loads of people here at all times getting their cars, parking their cars etc, theres NPCs at the shops, around 4 of them, will most likely hear the shots, NPCs at the Bank will most likely hear it aswell, the Gas Station NPC, and the Garage NPC. Let's say thats about 10 NPCs who could possibly hear the shots fired and would of called the police.

Then we have their ''Drive By'' Which was completely SHIT, it took them around 10 seconds to actually kill us after the first shots have been fired, which is even a bigger risk to them not Succeeding this so called ''DRIVE BY''.

Rules that were broken in the proccess:

First Rule broken by @Snafu : 2.5


So as I've said, why place a hit on me because of a fight that we had ''verbally''. Im going to add 2.5 because it would be the exact same thing if he killed me in person. So its invalid in both Situation, killed or not killed by Snafu, its wrong and 2.5.

Second Rule broken by @Venomine : 3.4


Then we have the person who killed both me and @Feng Yamaguchi these actions was risking his life either Dead or in Jail. The actions were not realistic by any means, killing someone randomly without any reasoning behind it is completely wrong and is also RANDOM DEATHMATCH. So im going to put 3.4 here because he risked his life without any reason what so ever, that goes for the other 3 people that were shooting at Me and Feng.

Just to add, this user already have 5-6 bans about 3.4, so this user should know what to do in those situations.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Just watch the video by yourself and check out the Situation, Got any comments to add? Feel free to make a reply, If u rate it dumb/disagree please tell me why you do so.
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Kongeriket Norge
First of all, I'd like to hear the reason the driver of the jeep had for running a red light at the intersection. I'd also prefer if a demo could be uploaded, @Robin Ljungberg .

Would be lovely if @Venomine , @MidoTheCigar , @Snafu & @Thomas DeSimone could tell their story and reasoning for what they did. As well as anyone else that perhaps was directly involved in the situation as only four players are seen in the video, but you have written "-and some others" in the video.

Also, why is the action request on only two of the four spotted players?
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in her grave
Ok, let me explain the situation from our side.
So @Snafu calls up @Thomas DeSimone and tells him about a hit, says he's got some beef with you. He gives a pretty big price (I think 10-20k, we all got quite large shares of the $$) and obviously we accept. We don't ask why he wants you dead, why would we? Realistically, all we care about is the money. So @MidoTheCigar gets out a carbomb, and we go and look for your car. We stop at Hungries to get some burgers, and who do we see in the back of a police car? None other than the guy we had a hit on. We then planned on stopping the police car on the highway, gatting all of you fellas, and running, but our car was too slow. We then think of a plan to wait for you outside the PD, and make an ambush on the way towards the City Garage (Depending on if you were going that way) But since you wanted a ride in the end, we took you straight to the guys who wanted you dead. Since they're too dumb to realise it was you, they stay in their car.
This is when the apparent "RDM" happens. They tail you to the City Garage when they realise it was you, and attempt to do a quick drive-by (But they did a really bad job of it so it wasn't quick at all) and run. The fellas involved (While you run up the stairs) haven't seen that shooting NPCs doesn't count as dealing with them anymore, as they don't go on the forums that often. So they shoot the NPCs thinking they've been taken care of, and head upstairs to kill you. @Feng Yamaguchi was just unlucky to be next to you at the time, and, as we know that you two are friends, they decide to kill him too so we don't have any witnesses/ anybody coming after us and gatting us down.
We then head back to the bazaar and get about 20k from @Snafu for the hit.
The people in the green vehicle didnt fire a shot. The people in the green vehicle were me, @Eviction Notice and one other, and @Venomine was just following the orders he was given by his boss, @Thomas DeSimone .
That's the situation from my perspective, although I don't exactly know if @Snafu had a reason for putting a hit on you or not, as I was outside the meeting guarding it, not listening. Ask Tommy for the reason for the hit, or Snafu.
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I haven't personally watched the video yet but due to previous conversations with Robin I can take an educated guess that I am in the video so i just wish to clear things up.

I had just spawned in at the city hall and headed to the police department to where I found Tony Standish-Gore and Johnathon Smithers sat in a car. I approached and started talking to them to which I jumped in their car as all friends do. Afterwards, Robin asks for a lift and he jumps in the car too. At this point in time I had absolutely no knowledge what so ever about the plans that were about to un-fold. Robin gets in the car and we head to another black vehicle waiting at the hospital main car park. At this point in time the men in the black vehicle followed Robin to the multi-story car park and that's when the shooting took place. Throughout the whole situation, I had no part played nor knew anything that was happening so I stayed sat in the car and did not get involved directly. Personally I feel that I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and so I also feel that I was not directly involved.

After watching the video, I see that all the information I just provided is the same to what you saw from your point of view. I do apologise that I couldn't be any more help however I did speak to @Robin Ljungberg on Teamspeak after the situation occurred and tried to help my best there.
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Now let me put my sauce into this AR.
So what happened at the beginning (Can not be seen with-in the video), an important meeting took place at the "Bazaar Shops 5", I have also been invited to the meeting, @Snafu was there, said something about @Robin Ljungberg, I was not sure what they said as I was AFK as they were talking, because I had to eat. So, as I came back the whole Italian squad began to drive over to search for @Robin Ljungberg, they had everything planned out, an escaping plan, escaping vehicle, everything what you need really. So, we parked over at hospital and they began to talk about all the information we have about @Robin Ljungberg so as we were talking, the jeep suddenly came up and they had transported @Robin Ljungberg to us, @Robin Ljungberg began to run so he has been chased, as we arrived at the garage, someone shot after him (I am not quite sure who did), I got my gun out as I heard shots and followed my people upstairs. As I checked around the corner, I saw @Snafu shooting @Robin Ljungberg and as Robin thought it is a realistic move to dodge all bullets like Neo, I chose to shoot him into his head.
3.4 has not been broken in my eyes, we had 2 escaping vehicles, the NPCs have been dealt with by Tommy DeSimone, we escaped and even had a place to hide for the next 24 hours (Scrapy yard). The assassination has been planned out for over 30 minutes. I don't see where I was breaking any rules to be honest.
Feel free to ask questions within the comment section, I will answer them.
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United Kingdom
Ok, let me explain the situation from our side.
So @Snafu calls up @Thomas DeSimone and tells him about a hit, says he's got some beef with you. He gives a pretty big price (I think 10-20k, we all got quite large shares of the $$) and obviously we accept. We don't ask why he wants you dead, why would we? Realistically, all we care about is the money. So @MidoTheCigar gets out a carbomb, and we go and look for your car. We stop at Hungries to get some burgers, and who do we see in the back of a police car? None other than the guy we had a hit on. We then planned on stopping the police car on the highway, gatting all of you fellas, and running, but our car was too slow. We then think of a plan to wait for you outside the PD, and make an ambush on the way towards the City Garage (Depending on if you were going that way) But since you wanted a ride in the end, we took you straight to the guys who wanted you dead. Since they're too dumb to realise it was you, they stay in their car.
This is when the apparent "RDM" happens. They tail you to the City Garage when they realise it was you, and attempt to do a quick drive-by (But they did a really bad job of it so it wasn't quick at all) and run. The fellas involved (While you run up the stairs) haven't seen that shooting NPCs doesn't count as dealing with them anymore, as they don't go on the forums that often. So they shoot the NPCs thinking they've been taken care of, and head upstairs to kill you. @Feng Yamaguchi was just unlucky to be next to you at the time, and, as we know that you two are friends, they decide to kill him too so we don't have any witnesses/ anybody coming after us and gatting us down.
We then head back to the bazaar and get about 20k from @Snafu for the hit.
The people in the green vehicle didnt fire a shot. The people in the green vehicle were me, @Eviction Notice and one other, and @Venomine was just following the orders he was given by his boss, @Thomas DeSimone .
That's the situation from my perspective, although I don't exactly know if @Snafu had a reason for putting a hit on you or not, as I was outside the meeting guarding it, not listening. Ask Tommy for the reason for the hit, or Snafu.

Doing 'hitman' stuff like this is great and all, but what has to be realized is that if you take a hit, kill the guy or do whatever you can to kill the guy and the reason for killing him was invalid or unjustified then YOU take the punishment. No matter how much they paid you, told you about the person. If YOU kill him and its found to be invalid you will get punished.

Really we need @Snafu here to tell us why he wanted the hit, and if he tell us for example "Don't like him" its still going to be the people who shot at @Feng Yamaguchi and @Robin Ljungberg who will get the punishment.
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Disappointment, that's what my first thought was when reading the opening post. The passive aggressive text in the video perfectly reflects your inner rage towards players who roleplayed the situation for good ~45 minutes prior to the event. The reason is not 'retarded'. On top of that I'd expect you - a player of this community, and probably a lad with surely more than half a brain cell to use language that doesn't resemble one of a toxic community. You and two or three other goons of yours, because I can hardly call these characters partners, were verbally harrassing and threatening me to watch what I'm saying. I don't know whether it started with a failed raid attempt, or the fact that earlier that day I laughed seeing you being carried away in handcuffs. What I do know, is that I warned you several times that if you won't stop what you were doing (by that I mean both verbal and direct interactions) you will pay for it for good. Obviously, you and your goons reacted with something along the words like "look at this sweatervest talking to me, do you know who I am? Get the fuck out of here if you want to be spared in the future". After further comments directed at you and your safety, you proceeded to laugh that I will probably go around the corner and snipe you. Well, that would be a perfect reason to get me banned, but as someone who has been around this and the previous two communities for 6 years now, I know better than that. That's where I decided that a day will come where your comments will end for good. I proceeded to follow you around the city more, using cars that you didn't realize I'm in. I knew this will be an ordeal that will last for long. Therefore, in the next few hours (in-game) I noticed that a group of professionals are offering various services. That's where I was introduced to the Merryweather team. And from that point on, we sat in the office, discussed the matter for at least 15 minutes. We made sure that in case plan A doesn't work, plan B will. We were looking for you, for another 15 minutes, before a strike of luck happened and I noticed you in the suburbs area handcuffed in a cruiser. We made sure we weren't tailing the car too close, so we took refuge in the parking lot across the hospital. There, I was told it would be best for me to sit on the bench. As you can see on your video, I am doing that exactly. Not only was I sitting there at the moment we spotted you, I was there for another 15 minutes, while half of the team was in the vintage mercedes, and the other half in the offroad most probably in front of PD, as I weren't with them. The point is, we split up to be absolutely sure that at least one of the split up teams will see you coming out of the complex. And as the team in the offroad vehicle decided to abandon the scene due to waiting for countless amount of time, you literally appeared near the parking lot behind the just parked offroad (which by the way parked next to us, as you can see). Suddenly the plans shifted completely, this was the only chance we were going to get you. Our plan of getting hold of you in a relatively seclued area and making sure you'll never harrass me again failed. I get off the bench, jump into any of the vehicles that have a seat waiting for me, and we zoom off. This is it, you are in front of us. We block the path from the window to the parking lot, making sure you will have nowhere to run, other than to an even emptier parking lot upstairs. What happens next is shown on the video. After a short duration of making swiss cheese out of you, none of us are sure what to do with your accomplice who you were obviously trying to release as he was handcuffed. I order the only thing that's reasonable if all of us want to continue living a life without worries. Therefore, one of the hired guns makes sure this lad of yours will never speak to anyone about this, or about anything ever again. And thus, in less than 30 seconds the previously laughed at sweatervest realized the complex plan that was in the making for close to an hour. If you consider this rdm, then I suppose it's due to the fact that you've got problems with accepting a defeat. All I can say is, this was one of the longest planned stints in the last week for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed taking all that time preparing with all of the other players, in order to make sure I will not be threatened or laughed at again. I recommend this playstyle Robin, it's what this community was made for. While I don't doubt your roleplaying skills, I do doubt your skills of getting along with people that are opposed to you in character. I understand that you're one of the wealthiest people on the server, but that doesn't change the fact that there will be people who will have enough of your bad mouthing and raiding in character. And before you assume I'm breaking NLR for making this in order to pay you back for the two times you raided me. No, I am not. I accept defeat in a game. After all, we are the ones who make this experience. I've dealt with players like you both in the past of a player, of a senior administrator of this community, and as a pure observer. From experience, all I can say is that you can't expect other players to obey your attempts of domination, without paying the price in character one day.

EDIT: Just to be clear, "And before you assume I'm breaking NLR for making this in order to pay you back for the two times you raided me.". In this sentence I meant that before Robin thinks this was the reason behind it, he should re-read this post or think again. I wasn't stating that this was the reason for this. The reason is stated in the lengthy reply, so please take your time to read it. This wasn't caused by 10 minutes of badmouthing, this was caused by longterm lack of respect and passive aggressive threatening. Of course, all in character because I know none of us hold a grudge against each other irl. At least I don't have a problem with you, Robin.
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