Map Suggestion Shooting range overhaul

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Suggestion Title: Shooting range overhaul
Suggestion Description: The idea here is to change the shooting range. Currently, it’s just a few different range lengths.

The idea here is to:
- Make all lanes consistently the same length.
- Rather than having the target go from point blank to the back of the range, the target should be movable to each position: Up close, close range, medium range, long range, very long range.
- Adding a toggleable button that plays the “beep” sound when you hit the target, possibly also playing a different sound if you hit the head or centre of the target.
- Add a waist height counter that shares the same height as a thin concrete barricade.
- Maybe a feature to swap the target type?

Other bug fixes:
- Remove the ability to use the gun range if you are running for mayor.

Why should this be added?:
- Gun range becomes more dynamic
- People can trial different ranges without having to pay to swap lanes
- Realistic as most gun ranges designed to test assault weapons function in this manner.

What negatives could this have?:
- Map work and brush space may be taken.
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