Section 2 reform

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5577
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Deleted member 5577

Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Current

What law do you wish to change/add:
2.1 Any person may use a justifiable amount of force proportionate to a threat if they reasonably believe that such force would prevent serious injury, or death or the loss of property or possessions.

2.2 If a person reasonably believes that acting in a way contrary to any law is necessary to prevent injury, death or the loss of property they do not act unlawfully given that their actions are justifiable and proportionate. The killing of another person is not justifiable in this case.

Why should this change/addition be made: Before these laws were almost identical and allowed you to do the exact same thing. This change brings the defences into line with UK law which I feel is appropriate given the playerbase.

What is the aim of this change/addition: Clarity

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This change brings the defences into line with UK law which I feel is appropriate given the playerbase.

But the UK law is still cloudy and in need of refinement?

The game mode gives limited methods on how to incapacitate someone without killing or risking killing them as civ. It's better to allow you to just pop people who are stealing shit from you as that's essentially the best way to go about a law. A criminal won't follow the law when robbing someone or stealing from them, the best course of action for a law would be to allow people to legally assume someone with a moral compass low enough to steal from you would probably also hurt you, especially given as this is a game and going to virtual jail for popping someone crowbarring your door through the door is substanceless game play and would probably lead to defenders being forced to shoot cops just because they defended there property and lives?

Deleted member 5577

You shouldn't really be able to shotgun someone in the back if they're running away with your burger tho