What do you think about PLPD

  • It needs to go back to pre-whitelist

    Votes: 19 23.8%
  • It needs to be simplified because it's too realistic now

    Votes: 18 22.5%
  • It can stay how it is

    Votes: 36 45.0%
  • I dont really care.

    Votes: 7 8.8%

  • Total voters
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United Kingdom
Traffic stops by TFU is a small advantage for police considering there would be another maximum of 6 officers enforcing the law and not once have I seen TFU prioritizing a traffic stop over a high risk situation. It gives them something to do while having the added benefits of having slightly more officers enforcing the law and having them not just eat away at city funds inside PD
Don't get me wrong, TFU remaining mobile and cruising around the city I'm all for but at the end of the day if the criminal activity has stooped that low to the point of them not responding to a firearms deal for 10~20 minutes they should really just flag off and return to regular duty.

I think too many people let TFU take over their entire time as a cop, which I suppose I can understand since its probably very fun but allowing them to do all the regular stuff AND take over every firearms situation just lets them consume everything and leaves regular cops feeling demotivated.
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>Gives TFU something to do
>More officers enforcing the law

So if TFU are already enforcing the law, why should officers do it anyway? Its like your advocating for TFU to overtake normal officers.

If TFU have nothing to do then they should throw their TFU gear off and do some actual supervising for a change.
It seems like you're implying you want less officers enforcing the law? TFU is a lot of supervisors we know that but because they are in gear doesn't mean.that they are above the supervisor requests and in almost all cases that I've witnessed we respond to those calls unless they are dealing with a more pressing matter. Someone taking someone hostage takes priority over a supervisor call in my book. It's not like all TFU members are in gear 24/7 either I know this because as TFU command I prefer going out of gear 50% of the time, I don't even take time to go back to PD and gear up in a situation to 1) give me more insight on how it is as an officer and 2) I need to be absolutely sure that I have the time to do that. You act like TFU is a safe haven from normal duties well guess again because they are regular officer with added responsibility and abilities.
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Edinburgh, Scotland
So, I am not head of PSD. If you actually stayed active in the PD you would know this. But I guess you will not be an officer for long as you have such hate towards the PD, you can easily resign via a helpdesk ticket to People Services.
So you're saying because he feels that there is a problem with the PD he should resign? By that point you're implying that the PD will not be fixed, and therefor he should resign. As "PSD" or whatever you are shouldn't you resign if you feel the PD will not be fixed.

it didnt go well
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Reaction score
Weeaboo headquarters
If you ask me, by the time I was Captain, (Basically when the entire ranking system was introduced), I was prretty much against a complete whitelist of the PD. I've always thought that PERP (Pulsar effect roleplay; for the plebs that didnt play it back in 2009), was a gamemode where anyone with sufficient playtime, in this case, about 4-8 hours, would be sufficient enough to understand the on goings of the PD and not require any whitelist or trial in order to join the PD. Jordan always compared PERP to Arma Life, in which case I've always said to him that PERP is high action, high speed gameplay compared to Arma life where things are more laid out and take a longer time. If you ask me, the requirement to apply to simple become a cop without any sort of relevant defence (like a firearm in case of a shootout) has always been ludicrous to me and, in my opinion, in most cases shies away the newer players simply because they dont want to be involved in a several step long process just to become a cop when they could simply just F4 that shit on a DarkRP server and get the exact same result

Deleted member 5193

What exactly do you find complicated about the PD? Not only is there a bunch of resources as Ayjay mentioned, but there is also a load of people who'd be happy to help newer officers.

I seem to remember that you were an officer pre whitelist or something similar, that's what you mentioned in your stage 3. I'm sure since then you've seen a lot of changes here, but it's all easy to understand once you have been around it long enough.

If you still find things complicated, don't be hesitant to find a member of the force who would be able and willing to help you. No question is a stupid question, we all start somewhere and have to learn.
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I hate the fact some things have to go extremely according to the book, but at the same time, taking a stage 2 in an application takes 2 months before you get an invite.

I also feel getting positions is incredibly difficult and overcomplicated for a virtual police department in a game. Looking at the people that get accepted every time, i don't feel a lot of new people or inexperienced people get the chance.
imo, applications should all be roughly in the same layout, questions should be a bit more clear sometimes. Also some information on what gets looked at. You wouldn't make a test without knowing what your teacher is going to put into it, right?
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I honestly think the application & whitelist is fine, just how you actually tackle it seems incredibly over the top. More specifically, the wait before you can do a Stage 3 and honestly the stage 3 in general isn't necessary at all.

People will force themselves to act their best during the situations in the stage 3 for joining and probably won't ever replicate that in to a real situation, just having the application be completely text based would be a lot more efficient. Nevermind the time some people wait to actually get a stage 3 done after waiting like 5 days or whatever the fuck the wait time is. That's how you make someone lose their motivation and call it quits.


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Leeds, England.
I think TFU should be told clearly in a policy that they should stay in PD until called upon.

This quite simply isn't going to happen, no matter how much you preach about it. TFU's job isn't to remain in their van like SWAT used to do, we added TFU to have a division who are trained within the resolution of high-volatility situations but also have the option to patrol and respond quickly to said situations. Keep in mind, that SWAT was an independent role before, which allowed anybody with VIP to obtain armour, heavy weapons, flashbangs etc. How on earth could that be a better approach to dealing with situations at all?

TFU shouldn't be excluded from dealing with normal incidents either, they're the same as normal officers, count toward the same slot count and the only difference is that they're trained within tactical firearms. They should of course prioritize the situations

pd is rubbish now, it's too much sweats trying to get a high rank, it was better when everyone was the same and a few people were given ranks, not everyone, thats boring and doesn't feel like an accomplishment anymore.
also POs should just be removed and put them straight to officer, they passed the test to get into the PD why make them have no gun for ages it's boring and just makes them die more.

I'm not sure why I'm even dignifying you with a response considering you're permed for cheating and I suppose that's got you acting a little bitter.

The reason people want to 'sweat' to get a high rank is because progression is what drives them, every promotion, award, etc is a testament to their work, without it the Police Department wouldn't be here. I seem to remember yourself begging for promotions way back, so this makes little sense from you?

The reason we have the Probationary Officer rank is to ensure that this person understands how the department works prior to actually joining fully, it's a 5 day period (currently) you have to wait to actually get a gun and be able to independently patrol. This realistically isn't strange, plus it filters out the people who don't want to bother to do their Stage 3. I'd prefer officers are half-decent rather prior to becoming an officer, rather than them being placed straight into service. We are however planning altering the recruitment process a lot, which will allow for more training in the probationary period (in groups) but lower the amount of time they need to pass.

>Gives TFU something to do
>More officers enforcing the law

So if TFU are already enforcing the law, why should officers do it anyway? Its like your advocating for TFU to overtake normal officers.

If TFU have nothing to do then they should throw their TFU gear off and do some actual supervising for a change.

This isn't the case at all, the reason we have TFU on duty (as above) is to allow for the resolution of immediate firearm incidents to be solved quickly. It's a little harder to respond as quick, if you're at the PD or you're not in gear at all and have to go back to get it. Disallowing TFU to respond to normal incidents isn't punishing other officer at all, it's same as if these people were out of gear. I do however disapprove of TFU slots being constantly filled when there's few supervisors on-duty, but that's something we're wanting to fix very soon.
Don't get me wrong, TFU remaining mobile and cruising around the city I'm all for but at the end of the day if the criminal activity has stooped that low to the point of them not responding to a firearms deal for 10~20 minutes they should really just flag off and return to regular duty.

I think too many people let TFU take over their entire time as a cop, which I suppose I can understand since its probably very fun but allowing them to do all the regular stuff AND take over every firearms situation just lets them consume everything and leaves regular cops feeling demotivated.

I understand this to an extent, but this isn't tolerated - If an officer is dealing with a general situation, TFU should not respond if it's been stated on the radio that someone is handling it. The officer dealing with the situation is generally the first on scene (unless relieved by superiors) - Being TFU does not give you a right to take over situations, if you see this happen, speak to an on-duty supervisor. I also hope to discuss this with the policy board to find somewhere we can place it so it's set in stone.

If you ask me, by the time I was Captain, (Basically when the entire ranking system was introduced), I was prretty much against a complete whitelist of the PD. I've always thought that PERP (Pulsar effect roleplay; for the plebs that didnt play it back in 2009), was a gamemode where anyone with sufficient playtime, in this case, about 4-8 hours, would be sufficient enough to understand the on goings of the PD and not require any whitelist or trial in order to join the PD. Jordan always compared PERP to Arma Life, in which case I've always said to him that PERP is high action, high speed gameplay compared to Arma life where things are more laid out and take a longer time. If you ask me, the requirement to apply to simple become a cop without any sort of relevant defence (like a firearm in case of a shootout) has always been ludicrous to me and, in my opinion, in most cases shies away the newer players simply because they dont want to be involved in a several step long process just to become a cop when they could simply just F4 that shit on a DarkRP server and get the exact same result

Keep in mind that the writen stages are quite easy to pass, it requires no prior on-duty work or experience. So giving anybody a gun straight after this seems a little weird to me really. As said above, I'm wanting to introduce a new recruitment process which hopefully will knock the days required to be a PO down to 3 whilst training the officer for active duty. We have lots of officer, and we constantly get new players wanting to join. Those who actually want to stick around and spend a few days as a PO are the people we want, not just someone who wants to fill out a form and get to get a free gun with little to no on-duty knowledge.

I hate the fact some things have to go extremely according to the book, but at the same time, taking a stage 2 in an application takes 2 months before you get an invite.

I also feel getting positions is incredibly difficult and overcomplicated for a virtual police department in a game. Looking at the people that get accepted every time, i don't feel a lot of new people or inexperienced people get the chance.
imo, applications should all be roughly in the same layout, questions should be a bit more clear sometimes. Also some information on what gets looked at. You wouldn't make a test without knowing what your teacher is going to put into it, right?

You raise a good point with the consistent application layouts, and hopefully very soon we will be introducing a way to do it for each group of divisions we have. Keep in mind that the reason applications aren't always the same in terms of what we're looking for, so rank requirements, etc differ.

I hope I've answered some of your issues, everytime we have one of these 'fuck the pd' threads it's a little annoying as many people just aren't very clued on what we're doing behind the scenes to fix a lot of these issues. Over the next month we will be changing the recruitment process, performing audits and also changing promotions slightly so everyone is considered rather than a small bunch of people.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread, as I feel I've cleared up most of the issues, but if you do have any further suggestions you want to have a direct conversation with the PD about, send a ticket to People Services and I will be sure to give you a detailed reply.

We'll also probably be hosting some form of Open Discussion so you guys can have an input in new changes within the PD. We do listen, but it's a little overwhelming when lots of people don't actually come to us about these issues, and rant on the forums instead.

We do appreciate feedback though, that's what built the PD, and that's what will keep it going.

Thank you.
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