My helper app This is obviously getting denied (or will it) clickbait*

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Metagaming in discord with the boys
ROLEPLAY NAME: Simon Bendetti
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:121982224
AGE: In my 20's
I would like to put the reasons I would like to be a helper in easy-to-identify bullet points below to keep it simple.
  • I already help new players and roleplay with them helping them learn the game, I have multiple times helped new players by teaching them how to mug/do criminal activity. I've even bought new players cars before and supplied them with weapons to help them raid. (Ensuring to make sure they can't use the weapon to randomly shoot people)
  • I have extensive rule knowledge to the point I have in the past tried to abuse them for my gain by loopholing the rules. (Since reformed) I have read over the rules extensive times and could lean new players into the correct way of following the rules without loopholing themselves
  • Help staff with bug reports and reporting exploits/finding them @Maia can vouch
  • Encourage me to break no more rules anymore
  • I can conduct myself in a professional manner
  • clout
  • memes, lots of memes
  • So I can shit talk Auston in admin chat
Playing with new players has been some of the most fun I've had on the server, and I would like to further be able to help people in the support/help f6 menu
I have staff experience but not like it matters, I don't want to be staff I just want to help people.
I love perpin
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I don't think it has ever worked for anyone applying for just about anything to start the title out with "This is obviously getting denied".

It gives "Hey wanna go out, I know you probably find me ugly lol" vibes.
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Really shows confidence when you name it "This is obviously getting denied"
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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Really shows confidence when you name it "This is obviously getting denied"
I have tons of confidence, so much so to make memes about a gmod application. You clicked on it so it worked

Edit: I would also like to add I like making things seem joking in a manner as it's a good mindset and part of a healthy mental standpoint for me to keep being positive and keep my mental health in check!
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Please don't take this in a bad way, but I remember you made a post about how annoying it is when people ask if something is against the rules when it obviously isn't.

As helper, you will be asked questions like that all the time and it is expected that you help these players whether they are fresh sweaters or very experienced.

I wish you the best with your application!
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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Please don't take this in a bad way, but I remember you made a post about how annoying it is when people ask if something is against the rules when it obviously isn't.

As helper, you will be asked questions like that all the time and it is expected that you help these players whether they are fresh sweaters or very experienced.

I wish you the best with your application!
I'd like to know when because I genuinely don't remember this. Plus if I did it was probably something really stupid, but I wouldn't be calling new players dumb for asking a question in help chat nor have I ever. You're most likely referring to OOC which I was most likely responding to a troll.
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I'd like to know when because I genuinely don't remember this. Plus if I did it was probably something really stupid, but I wouldn't be calling new players dumb for asking a question in help chat nor have I ever. You're most likely referring to OOC which I was most likely responding to a troll.

I'm referring to the "rulebreak anxiety" thread posted this week. You stated that:

"In RP these people always are concerned with everything they are doing, asking questions in RP like " Are you sure we can do this maybe it's against the rules" or "We are probably breaking the rules doing this" when we could be farther from ever doing so."

Apologies if I interpreted it wrong, but I assumed you were calling out people who question if their roleplay situation is against the rules and those who micromanage it by breaking character.

My point was that as a helper, you will be dealing with people like this all the time in both IC and OOC/help tickets, and I assumed that you were not a big fan of dealing with those types of players because of that post.

Again, sorry if I have read the thread wrong, and I do wish the best for your application :) !
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Metagaming in discord with the boys
I'm referring to the "rulebreak anxiety" thread posted this week. You stated that:

"In RP these people always are concerned with everything they are doing, asking questions in RP like " Are you sure we can do this maybe it's against the rules" or "We are probably breaking the rules doing this" when we could be farther from ever doing so."

Apologies if I interpreted it wrong, but I assumed you were calling out people who question if their roleplay situation is against the rules and those who micromanage it by breaking character.

My point was that as a helper, you will be dealing with people like this all the time in both IC and OOC/help tickets, and I assumed that you were not a big fan of dealing with those types of players because of that post.

Again, sorry if I have read the thread wrong, and I do wish the best for your application :) !
That thread is more about people constantly breaking RP. It’s not really about about people following rules it’s more about people leaving RP and ruining immersion due to being anxious about breaking rules. It’s also probably hard to get what I was laying down because I wrote it at like 3AM on my iPhone. Still not really sure how being disgusted with people breaking character all the time has anything to do with how I would conduct myself helping people.

If anything it would help me deal with those types of questions or situations where people make an F6 help/support I can easily advise them against doing something without the need of them breaking character which was the whole point of that thread was to ask if anyone else had experienced an influx of it. It sounds like to me this thread I made ties exactly into the role of helping new players or even current players ask if they should do something they think is against rules so they don’t run around breaking character since they can use /help or f6 instead.

But realistically the original post was literally just me asking if anyone had noticed if people had been doing it. It wasn’t really me venting. Trust me bro getting angry over gmod is not really something I care all that much for (anymore that is)
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I have known Simon for a good amount of time and can say he is a nice guy. I believe Simon have the dedication to be a good helper and i have seen Simon a lot of times with the newest of new players making sure they have a good time on the server. So therefore I think he would would make a good helper.
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Metagaming in discord with the boys
If you need to have the Helper rank to not break rules, I don’t think you are the right person for the job.

I get you are trying to make it a ‘funny’ appeal but it just paints you as someone not mature enough for the role.
I am mature, it's gmod man it don't run that deep. I'm here to have fun, not be dead inside
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Great Britain
I am mature, it's gmod man it don't run that deep. I'm here to have fun, not be dead inside
Be that so, Helper is a serious role and you should be taking your application seriously. As a Helper, new and seasoned players alike are going to be looking to you to set a good example and especially the newer people may adopt that example and take whatever behaviour they see from you as acceptable.

You say you can conduct yourself professionally, I don't doubt that honestly, but I'm not seeing much of it here, nor in a lot of your forum posts, OOC logs and help chat logs. Everyone in the community can see your forum posts and the hundred+ players we average daily can see your help and OOC messages. Going back to my previous point, people are going to see this as a "good example" and some may opt to follow it. You don't need to be a cold unfeeling robot, you do however need to realise the significance of your role and sacrifice a bit of a laugh sometimes in order to generally conduct yourself more professionally across the board.

Just my two cents. If you want to be a Helper, you need be acting like one.
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The "Its obviously not getting accepted" Thing is absolutely not what I personally want to see from such an applicant. Regardless of the effort you put into the application, as well as your qualifying factors, That line alone shows that you are doubting yourself as being suitable for this role.
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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Be that so, Helper is a serious role and you should be taking your application seriously. As a Helper, new and seasoned players alike are going to be looking to you to set a good example and especially the newer people may adopt that example and take whatever behaviour they see from you as acceptable.

You say you can conduct yourself professionally, I don't doubt that honestly, but I'm not seeing much of it here, nor in a lot of your forum posts, OOC logs and help chat logs. Everyone in the community can see your forum posts and the hundred+ players we average daily can see your help and OOC messages. Going back to my previous point, people are going to see this as a "good example" and some may opt to follow it. You don't need to be a cold unfeeling robot, you do however need to realise the significance of your role and sacrifice a bit of a laugh sometimes in order to generally conduct yourself more professionally across the board.

Just my two cents. If you want to be a Helper, you need be acting like one.
The first real informative, well-thought-out response I have gotten yet. I appreciate your concern with my past actions, I get that I should be a role model and I can be. I just have chosen not to in the past. I honestly like to make things more tolerable for people which is why I went a bit mem-ish on my post/sattire. That being said though most people you see applying, write out a boring 5 paragraph post for their apps that no one actually is going to read. Garrymod has a community that is here for the most part to have fun and not waste time doing things they could be doing for a real job instead. I say that as I'm being boring right now writing this but it's mainly an attempt to reply to your point. I don't really like making things boring for people, and a gmod server/forum is not exactly what I want to be boring on. I have a bad past, yes. Do I reflect on doing better, yes.

You say you can conduct yourself professionally, I don't doubt that honestly
You are correct, I can when I need to. I think everyone can agree with me that we all need to lighten up sometimes, and keep a positive attitude about by joking around. If we don't then like you said we will become cold unfeeling robots. I can understand the concern you have with it though, but it's just the way I operate.
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Metagaming in discord with the boys
The "Its obviously not getting accepted" Thing is absolutely not what I personally want to see from such an applicant. Regardless of the effort you put into the application, as well as your qualifying factors, That line alone shows that you are doubting yourself as being suitable for this role.
I'm not doubting, it's satire/meme/joke
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