Let's talk the recent state of car thefts. [DISCUSSION]

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It's hostile because you're spreading misinformation without any evidence. Have you ever made a staff complaint that has resulted in you being targeted? And if not, why have you not reported this to us?

I think it's a bit disingenuous to act as if you've had experience with the staff complaint process when you've never made one yourself other than when you refused to reply to me.

Actually Efan I have, back in the Jack Bushross era and I can assure you that any staff complaint made went without punishment even though I had valid reasons, this led to further toxicity on the server whenever I would have RP with those same people.

I haven't made a staff report on this occasion but I do believe others already have and it's being looked into as I had a demo request this morning.
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Actually Ethan I have, back in the Jack Bushross era and I can assure you that any staff complaint made went without punishment even though I had valid reasons, this led to further toxicity on the server whenever I would have RP with those same people.
The complaint where you did not respond to me?

This is the first time I've ever heard any allegations of targeting as a result of that complaint. If you had brought it to my attention it would've been dealt with.
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All staff complaints are anonymous so I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to imply here.

If you're so concerned about painting a target then why are you making a big deal about it in the forum post. No one has ever been targetted as a result of making a staff complaint.
Let’s be honest now , no one ever :hilarious:
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Berlin, Germany
I am personally looking into the situation that this thread is referencing, and the admins have had an internal discussion about it as well. Even without a formal complaint having been issued, I have personally reached out to several individuals who were involved in these types of situations. As we speak I am compiling the evidence necessary to deal with this. I've also requested measures to be coded to address this issue, and I am not the first one to do so.
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Berlin, Germany
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God forbid somebody steals over 50 cars in one day (including the same car multiple times), in an attempt to farm organisation XP, not to enjoy the vehicle, or to profit in any way. This doesn't benefit the PD, enough cars already get stolen that aren't involved with said shootings after they are caught.

Raiding isn't the same as stealing a car
W rxsm comment response
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i don’t think you understand what you’re saying. You just cried about car thefts being too annoying and too common when you yourself lead an org by example in turning the server into a constant call of duty lobby with toxicity and shootouts. Tone it down a little bit please, this is still a serious RP and the insane influx of shootings means it makes sense for the game to functionally reward those who switch up the style of RP.
I'm sorry, but please please please quit your yapping. We have passiveRPed many many many times, and we only start shootouts where necessary (as you can see by our ban history, nothing about starting shootouts for no reason!... Recently...)
Like crafters who mass manufacture criminal supplies or car stealers and such
You mean like the multiple crafters we have in our org?

Quit targeting!! Go handle F6… oh wait :penguin:
Your master already made this joke, sorry hes trying to steal your clout @ALOO89
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Back to the topic of the thread, I think Maia's potential fix would help a lot, though maybe people can just do a few laps and get the org xp. Reduce xp and make it tedious to boost xp?

For people bringing a car to a secluded area and taking turns crowbarring it over and over to boost org xp - Not very realistic, what's the point of stealing a vehicle you have no intention of actually using?

1. Report players for this section of 3.4 for serial public parking thefts -
After committing a crime, relevant precautions should be taken to avoid arrest or police attention, such as avoiding public places.
2. Restrict the amount of times a specific vehicle can be stolen in a given time period
3. Limit vehicle thefts in the same way that raids are limited - # per hour. Why would anyone need to steal several vehicles in a short period?

gaz duppy

Communication Banned
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So the recent state of car thefts with the org exp system is well... broken.

It's broken from a crim perspective where you can farm the hell out of exp, over and over and over, even stealing your own vehicles. I've even witnessed people say stuff like "Is this your car? Don't worry I'm not going to steal it" then just proceed to crowbar every car in Bazaar.

It's broken from a PD perspective with the amount of pings, it creates a MASSIVE wanted list which ends up hiding wanted people further down the list where they could be missed or we don't see them at all. It pings our alert system over and over and over;

View attachment 20579

Other issues:
Other issues it seems to be creating are people are doing this whilst wanted which is a breach of 3.4, now they may or may not know whether we can see the exact location as PD but it's turning into shootouts that shouldn't need to happen for a simple theft charge with a 3 year maximum sentence.

Yesterday I created an F6 as I turned up to a car theft, we was then shot and killed by a car that was waiting nearby which was involved in the situation, turns out we was shot because the car nearby had a wanted person inside, to which I was informed a MOD was doing it and to make a staff report blah blah (I'd rather not put that target on my back) but here's the problem, a player who runs in the exact same circles did the same thing today, stole cars whilst wanted and got a 2 month ban?

I had originally suggested some kind of DNA tool to scan cars to see who stole it but actually I think the solution which was suggested by another player could be much simpler. You have to actually drive the car to get any exp, not just crowbar it. It could be X amount of time driving it.

true them dirty bazzar car robbers need to be stopped
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Oh wow this situation is awful... well back to bazaar I got cars to borrow.
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Shootouts 50x a day is acceptable. Stealing cars and having fun in chases isn’t ?

RTU love chases. PERP is a game before anything, to say PD isn’t benefitted by enjoying a change of pace and having fun in chases is a ignorant false generalization.

View attachment 20583
In a 4 hour timespan that I was on as cop, I responded to 10 shootings. They get old after a while, as most of the time, there is no TFU and us Pistol and Shotgun cops are going against individuals with assault weapons. It gets really old after about the 4th time seeing a black screen.

This is a serious RP server, as it says when you first log in. Unless we are roleplaying as Chicago or Detroit, then we need to focus on bringing back the roleplay. Personally, I don't think you should get XP points for killing individuals, as it ruins the roleplay because it is shooting over and over.
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Metagaming in discord with the boys
In a 4 hour timespan that I was on as cop, I responded to 10 shootings. They get old after a while, as most of the time, there is no TFU and us Pistol and Shotgun cops are going against individuals with assault weapons. It gets really old after about the 4th time seeing a black screen.

This is a serious RP server, as it says when you first log in. Unless we are roleplaying as Chicago or Detroit, then we need to focus on bringing back the roleplay. Personally, I don't think you should get XP points for killing individuals, as it ruins the roleplay because it is shooting over and over.
Roleplaying cop on perp is more safe that being a cop IRL in Chicago so wouldn't be too farfetched to say so.
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