Ban Apology (Enforcer allen)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Enforcer allen
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: batmann000025
Your Roleplay Name: Ope Winsten
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:599227638

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: I broke 3:4 by shooting a officer after he broke character, so I ran away from the gun and shot this officer.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Well, this is my first ban and I love the server I always have fun and am very sorry for my actions and realize that what I did was very bad and promise not to break the rules again and would greatly appreciate if I was unban not only that I play this server every day this server gives me joy and happiness, please consider the unban. Not only that I'm very sorry for how I acted and wish I could prove this further but the only way to do that is if I get unbanned. I will also go over the rules to better understand them.

Additional Information: I play this game every day please consider this ban apology I would also like to apologize to any people this effected and would like to have a second chance also I think if an officer break character the roleplay should be over. When I come back to the server Ima spend some time reading the rules to help me improve and get better not only that I will apologize for my actions to Enforcer Allen
Reaction score
Great Britain

Copy and pasting the same appeal without changing a single word isn't what I would call indicative of someone who is sorry, especially considering you've not even acknowledged what you did and why it was wrong.
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