Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: TinySlayer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Roleplay Name: Alx Santos
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:590144524

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Ban Evasion/Alternative Account - 1.4, Main - Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered?:
I seriously regret my actions, which resulted in the ban on my main and alternate account . My main account has been banned for cheating for well over three years, and my other account has been banned for one year. My second appeal was denied because I failed to mention my cheating ban, which was a big mistake. Regrettably, I just assumed you were informed about my cheating ban. I didn't mean to leave it out, nor did I mean to hide the fact that I didn't have that ban on my main.

I've come here to appeal once again to play the server and have a fun experience again with other players and friends. I was really immature and young at the time of my cheating ban, and I didn't understand the consequences and the moment that I would have most possibly ruined other people's experiences by performing these actions. I never intended to ruin other players' experience but to satisfy my need for myself. However, I did not remain long because I was banned by the Anticheat when I attempted to conduct it. It was a huge mistake that I wish I could go back in time and undo if I had the chance to change it; Since I was young and didn't realize at the time. I missed a lot of things, which encouraged me to alt.

I never meant to escalate the situation, but rather to give myself a second opportunity and make memories and enjoy quality time with the players. During my time on the server, I was able to meet some friends, share some core memories with them, and even get a better understanding of what it meant to be dedicated and honest within the community. I put a lot of time and effort in the server which taught me to not only respect others but to recognize the consequences of wrongful decision making. To add on, the Perpheads game mechanics and community were the nicest and greatest I'd ever come across on Garry's Mod, which I'll never forget. I was able to maintain a clean record and demonstrate excellent behavior while playing on my alternate account. I've evolved significantly to be a better person since then and returned to show the community and management team that I'm a changed person with a better attitude and mature enough to hopefully be brought back to the server. I accept full responsibility for my actions and fully comprehend the repercussions that were inflicted.

I've made my appeal once more to demonstrate that I've evolved into a better person with improved decision-making and attitude, which will satisfy the community and guarantee that similar activities do not occur again. Although Christmas break is approaching, I was hoping to be unbanned so that I could have a wonderful time with other players and most importantly, enjoy Christmas with everyone else to share a nice gesture within the community. I apologize for the actions I've conducted within the community and hope the administration team is able to find a sympathetic conclusion for me.

Thank you for your time and hope you all have an excellent holiday.
Sincerely, Alex Doorag.

(Edited it rq)

Additional Information: If you do consider unbanning me please unban my alternate account instead of my main to prevent confusion. Well Appreciated - STEAM_0:1:590144524
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United Kingdom
Thank you for your apology. I am happy to forgive your alt accounting, but the rest of the administration team will decide if your original cheating ban be forgiven.
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Thank you for your apology. I am happy to forgive your alt accounting, but the rest of the administration team will decide if your original cheating ban be forgiven.
Understandable, I hope the administration team is able to find a conclusive decision and forgive my cheating ban, well Appreciated my friend.
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