Ban Apology (Acerius)

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Reaction score
Kelson's basement
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Acerius
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: klown
Your Roleplay Name: Miguel Torthilini
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:631559408

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 5.3 – Investigated with Collier – User participated in 4 raids within a 60-minute period, namely: Hicktown 1; Hicktown 2; Regal Apartment 4; Slums Apartment 2. This period was around 48 minutes in total. Logs and speaking to other players show that each property was occupied. Longer bans for each person as both are experienced players who should know better.

Why should this appeal be considered?: To the Admins of Perpheads,

We would like to offer our sincere apologies for our recent actions in-game. As experienced players, we recognize that our raiding of 4 properties in just 48 minutes was a severe breach of the rules and etiquette in the game.

Our conduct was irresponsible and showed a lack of respect for other players in the game. We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience, frustration or distress that our actions may have caused the Perpheads community as a whole.

We are fully aware that we have seriously damaged our reputations and standing within the gaming community, and for that, we are extremely sorry. We understand that our actions have consequences, and we are willing to accept any punishment that the admin team deems necessary.

In the future, we pledge to conduct ourselves in a manner that is respectful and responsible. We hope that this apology can be taken as an assurance that we have learned from our mistakes and that we will work hard to earn back the trust of the Perpheads Community.

Once again, we apologize for our actions and pledge to be better players in the future.


klown and Kelson.

Additional Information: written with @Kelson
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