1.2 explained and a guide on how to follow it.


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Leeds, England.
@John Daymon

Yeah, you're right, that's the type of community we should run here isn't it - If you, as a minority in society are afraid of getting directly discriminated against, you should absolutely have to think twice about your actions of wanting to play with other people on a multiplayer server. How dare you want to spend time playing a game with your friends for some online fun without some comments about your voice, gender, race or other sensitive topics. Lets victim blame Daymon, let's pretend that this forcefield for those that people who have directly targeted, harassed and used disgusting language toward people are in the right here and that everyone who is offended by this just "doesn't get it" or is being a "snowflake".

These new rules don't advocate for every mean word to be banned from the community, that wouldn't ever make sense - You're either misunderstanding this change, or you're simply choosing to avoid the reality of the situation for a reason to complain and bitch about it.

You are someone who has personally stepped over the line several times, you've gone too far, and it's led to huge offence and contributed towards members of this community leaving, and you know what I probably am too. Own up to your terrible take and move on, understand that certain behaviour just isn't allowed here, joking about things like "oops that's discrimination because I called him a poo head" is fucking pathetic, and you should be ashamed of how much you have missed the genuinely positive point that these rules have implemented. This rule hasn't been implemented with spite, or to provide staff members with an easy way to ban people. No, it's here to protect members of the community who feel that other people have gone too far, to avoid situations where people up and leave because of the barrage of insults they receive or hear. Understand the extent of these rules, understand that your language can people feel incredibly uncomfortable, understand that 90% of what you've written in this thread is narcissistic, out of touch and incredibly ignorant.
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While I understand what @John Daymon and @Kenty are trying to say, and I completely agree on some points, there's a few more factors that are present and it's actually part of a bigger picture. I am sure that one streamer didn't magically appear and cause this rule change, but rather sparked a conversation on what the server owners want the server to be.
It is surely a factor that some people left due to them being discriminated or didn't wish to play on the server as much, and that was definitely the problem. By making this change it is ensured if there's situations where this happens and people feel bad to come on the server, people won't leave.

But you also have to understand that this server has slowly (and I say this after I came back after 3 years or so, so I could see the drastic change) shifed away from serious roleplay (not like half-life rp servers) to semi-serious which actually attracts a larger audience. Attracting more people to the server is the goal of the owners as it is clear that people who play actively are the same people that have been playing for years. You won't quit if you are a dedicated player because of this change.
Which brings us to your point here:
"But if someone comes on a roleplaying server to roleplay and put themselves in positions where players will make fun of them, harass them and stuff; Why do the even bother coming on? You're joining a Garry's Mod community where ROLEPLAYING is the purpose of the server, if you're scared of hearing someone call you gay, transgender, squeaker and stuff you should probably stick to single-player games, games you can avoid voice-chat, games where you can mute others both text chat and or voice."

Sadly there's an insufficient amount of players who are able to draw a clear line between OOC and IC. Is this anyone's fault? No. HOWEVER, I know for a fact and I remember that using the word "squeaker" has heavily affected some people OOC, because these children are coming to role-play a character after school that is about 25-80 years old, and I'd say in situations like that you are the asshole and can't stay in-character. If someone has a lisp or a speech impediment and you point it out in-character, you are the asshole. It can be serious roleplay all day, and I can tell you that because I try to keep everything serious and in-character when playing this gamemode, but it costs you nothing to just pretend it's not there. If you know or can tell someone has a disability of some sort or whatever it is, and you point it out in-character, that's not what your character observes but it's you being the asshole. If you know someone is of black ethnicity and you use slurs and discriminatory language just because their character is black and he is arresting you, you are the asshole. Because you can't control yourself.
For the sentence that I've pointed out on it's own, you are part of the reason the rule exists.

I can name you 5 people off the top of my head who are great roleplayers, set great standards on what the server can be, can perfectly part roleplay and out-of-character. To them using any slurs, names, or discriminating terms in-character will be like talking to a wall, and after disconnecting they will just continue their day.
But it's a garrysmod server with a small playerbase. For those 5 people I could name you 10 others who I have met over the years and have been targeting players or misusing information based on all these kinds of things now covered in this rule, they brought stuff out-of-character to in-character, or were simply using in-character excuse to hurt others out of character.
It is near impossible to deal with those kinda people. This rule definitely serves it's purpose, ultimately.

In a perfect world where everyone would have a decent amount of common sense, and could play a realistic character while roleplaying, while ensuring that everyone has fun depicting their character, this change wouldn't be needed.

I 100% believe at this moment of time and the current state of the server, this rule is needed.

The Holgh

Communication Banned
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Parts Unknown
I mean I was completely unaware of this rule until a few days back when I was banned for speaking german, I stand behind the general notion of this rule and I think this rule will provide a good tool for admin/moderators to get rid of any bad apples ruining peoples fun. However I am afraid that this is gonna turn into some kind of moral authority type deal where you can get banned for the slightest thing.

The Holgh

Communication Banned
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Parts Unknown
I was speaking german when I said it, it was a joke, I am not a nazi, nor do I think someone who calls someone a slur is necessarily a racist, this is a game and should be taken as such. I am not opposed to this new rule, I am however very opposed to people who delude themselves into thinking they're on some sort of moral high-ground.
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IKEA - Northern Europe
The only thing I disagree about it is if it's in-character. I am all for it being against the server rules if it's out of character. I don't give a fuck if it's in-character because of the fact that it's again; in-character.

I'm all for the rule being implemented against racial slurs and people being singled out for stuff that has nothing to do with their character, such as some users being homosexual and stuff since that's a completely normal thing to be and no one should ever be bullied or harassed for that.

Also I'd like to point out that I myself had no idea that I've made someone leave the community for things that I have said, I do however agree that I have in the past not been acting accordingly and that I have stepped over the line for example with a user called "Rebecca" who I simply thought I told the truth to, which I... did since the things I said to her in OOC (which obviously wasn't the right place to bring it up) turned out to be true.

And yes Ayjay, to talk about what you've done; Yes, you've made fun of players yourself such as myself for my voice when you first joined the community, did I care? Nope, I only laughed about it and moved on since I knew that I had a squeaky voice back then and it's not like I have a particularly deep voice now; but I don't care about it either since... it's just a fucking voice? I guess people don't respond to it the same way due to personality differences which I guess I have to accept.

It's not that I don't own up to my mistakes, I am and I've already stated several times that I do support the rule, just not entirely... does that mean I won't adhere to it? No of course not. Do I think that the rule will change and am I fighting for one? No, I know this rule will stick I'm just voicing my opinion about it, like we do about everything.