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  1. Moon The Goon

    28/06/20 - Community-Wide Bans Information

    imagine beefing on a garrys mod server forum...poor from all involved really
  2. Moon The Goon

    What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

    when the looting starts the shooting starts, just gonna cause more black people deaths that people will cry about. I understand their frustration but some people go about it the wrong way. Guarantee most of the people going to these protests are going just too nick stuff
  3. Moon The Goon

    What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

    people will use any excuse to have a riot and nick some clobber
  4. Moon The Goon

    everyone tried to get us banned because our org owned that server. oh well only played it when i...

    everyone tried to get us banned because our org owned that server. oh well only played it when i was banned on perp
  5. Moon The Goon

    Favourite beer?

    £2 bud light from spoons nah on a serious not really a fan of beer but if i went pub i just drink fosters because its cheap and tastes decent. PS: you're odd if any of you drink hophouse13
  6. Moon The Goon

    Scariest Experiences/Memories you've had!

    it was by some small 15 year old ginger cunt who i think had mental issues.
  7. Moon The Goon

    Scariest Experiences/Memories you've had!

    had a knife put to my throat in the school changing rooms in year 10 lol
  8. Moon The Goon

    Old hobbies you grew out of.

    would've gone pro if it wasnt for the injury
  9. Moon The Goon

    what i been doing with all my spare time

    @Inchs i remember his selfie that he deleted
  10. Moon The Goon

    Potatage 2.5 - A cause for concern

    The fact megdantheslanderman is getting all you israeli's salty is the funniest shit. Lets be honest here dan is the most easy to roast person i've ever came across and you are all getting flamed.
  11. Moon The Goon

    what i been doing with all my spare time

    hes the most cringeworthy bloke whos far from on it.
  12. Moon The Goon

    what i been doing with all my spare time

    nah all you're doing in ur spare time mate is trying to act bad on snap when your a fuckin neek. You thought i was teemo and saying i'd get stabbed. So sit down you little kid the bad man act dont suit ya you soft cunt
  13. Moon The Goon

    Garry's Mod Perpheads: Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #20

    did you know that talking to yourself is a trait of a serial killer
  14. Moon The Goon

    MrAaron returning

    You'll do fuckin nuttin
  15. Moon The Goon

    Potatage 2 - The one that gets me banned

    hold the fucking phone. How are you snaking a cheater having cheated in the past... different breed you lot are
  16. Moon The Goon


    Not the best 1 minute 30 seconds of my time I've ever spent cant lie.
  17. Moon The Goon


    @Dan ..... the community
  18. Moon The Goon


    @DANIEL_ Aha i am very correct
  19. Moon The Goon


    Dan is it who i think it is??? MS
  20. Moon The Goon


    I can already guess who the staff member is and i havent even been on the forums in ages. If it is who i think it is, it has been known for ages and quite a few people i know have had problems with him.
  21. Moon The Goon

    Wagwarn Lads

    George is a cool human being
  22. Moon The Goon


  23. Moon The Goon


    Jokes aside the british way
  24. Moon The Goon

    Best F2P game IMO

    is there a game you dont try hard at?
  25. Moon The Goon


    How can you not love this man
  26. Moon The Goon


    you are not singing over there Don't get me wrong conservatives aren't my favorite but best of a bad bunch. Hopefully, Corbyn gives up the inbred bastard. Conservatives are now for the working man. Labours for the benefit scrounging cunts who wants everything free in their life.
  27. Moon The Goon


    let's be honest here @ShadowJoey you just want free tuition fees. It's good that you are a prime example of the belief of bullshit labour are feeding. They knew that would get all the students on there side :)