Shay's Enforcer Application

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Steam Name: Shay

In-Game Name: Clayton Richards

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79638253

Age: 22

Why do you want to be an enforcer:
As most of you probably know me, I am Shay, 22 years old from Israel,

I am a part of this community for many years, I was a staff member twice beforehand, There are several reasons why I wish to become one again, one of the reasons I resigned before was lack of time due to army, I finished army not long ago and got some extra time now, In addition, I like the community and would like to contribute and help where I can.
I believe I have the required experience due to my experience in the police department which including investigating complaints, dealing with officers and more, Moreover, experience as staff member before, I was a moderator for around 2 years, then Senior moderator for around 1 year, where I dealt with reports and gained experience.

Im here to have fun, my gameplay is to laugh and make others laugh and have fun as much as I can, I hope you know me that way, And I believe that the sever rules are meant for us to have fun, and enforcing them meaning a more enjoyable gameplay.

Do you have anything else to say: Thanks for reading my application

  1. Your time played on the server must be at least one week.
  2. No recent bans and warnings on record for at least a period of a month, this includes both the forums and the server.
  3. You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them.
  4. You must have access to and use a microphone.
  5. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server
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Berlin, Germany
We both never really talked that much but I can tell he always keeps a cool head in any situation.
I am sure he will be a great addition to the staff team!
Easy +1!
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England,United Kingdom
Shay has been known to keep a cool head in all situations that he is within, he knows the rules well and his previous experience as a staff member really shows, he obviously is suitable for the role as he has great investigative skills during situations, given that he is the current head on Internal affairs at the moment, as well as being knowledgeable of the rules, which is demonstrated through the way he acts on/off duty and his conduct overall has a pleasant demeanor.

I wish you luck on your appliication Shay.
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Nazeer’s basement
Steam Name: Shay

In-Game Name: Clayton Richards

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79638253

Age: 22

Why do you want to be an enforcer:
As most of you probably know me, I am Shay, 22 years old from Israel,

I am a part of this community for many years, I was a staff member twice beforehand, There are several reasons why I wish to become one again, one of the reasons I resigned before was lack of time due to army, I finished army not long ago and got some extra time now, In addition, I like the community and would like to contribute and help where I can.
I believe I have the required experience due to my experience in the police department which including investigating complaints, dealing with officers and more, Moreover, experience as staff member before, I was a moderator for around 2 years, then Senior moderator for around 1 year, where I dealt with reports and gained experience.

Im here to have fun, my gameplay is to laugh and make others laugh and have fun as much as I can, I hope you know me that way, And I believe that the sever rules are meant for us to have fun, and enforcing them meaning a more enjoyable gameplay.

Do you have anything else to say: Thanks for reading my application

  1. Your time played on the server must be at least one week.
  2. No recent bans and warnings on record for at least a period of a month, this includes both the forums and the server.
  3. You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them.
  4. You must have access to and use a microphone.
  5. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server
Major +1, very friendly guy and very nice
Reaction score
+1 Funny dude, Knows what he's doing. Great officer and amazing to be around! Good Luck with you application bro
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