ASDA Applications Thread

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The democratic people's republic of korea
We are looking for a crafter to join us, after deciding to manually craft over 1000 refined metal it now takes me 90 seconds to even make a bandage so I am no longer suited for the job.

Ideally you are level 125 firearms but if you aren't quite there yet I'm sure we can figure something out!

Materials in most cases will be provided for you to save you time and you will be paid between 50-100k an hour depending on the order.

Contact literally anybody in the org.
I craft wanna i firearm 125
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Nazeer’s basement
Can someone explain this offside rule to me I am confused and this will keep me up at night
number 21 is supposed to be in the same line of the defender unless he is getting the ball (needs to be in front of the defender or same line to receive the ball)
Reaction score
Nazeer’s basement

Hello everybody, we are proud to announce that ASDA is looking to expand its employee count. All you have to do is fill in the short application forum in a reply to this post and hope you get accepted.
Application Form:

In-Character Name:

Out-of-Character Name:



Steam account link:

Discord Tag:

Total Playtime:

How active are you on the server?:

When are you online?:

VIP (Yes/No):

Previous Organizations:

Items you own (Pictures of storage):

Money (Picture of bank account):

Vehicles you own (Picture of car garage):

Skill levels (Picture of all your levels):
Shooting skill? (1-10 , where; 1= Kurze, 3 = Sorle, 5 = Butterman561tm, 6 = Jenga, 7 = Xeronise, 9 = Jamie/Max, 10 = Tinky )

What PEDs do you take?

Do you have any experience with cheats?

Why do you want to join the organization?:

What can you bring to the organization?:

What makes you stand out from other applicants?:

Are you willing to take a ban for another org member if needed? (Yes/No):

Are you willing to break the rules in order to take advantage over other players? (Yes/No):

Primary focus (Growing, Casinos, PassiveRP, CopRP, CriminalRP):

Best of luck to anyone applying, if your application is accepted, you will undergo an interview through our official discord/teamspeak!

finally applications are open
nobodys gonna join them tho lmfao
because they are mean
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Reaction score

Application Form:

In-Character Name: Markov Kortez

Out-of-Character Name: Mikkel Johnson

Age: (15) i dont sound like 15 but trust me i am

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:458288779

Steam account link:

Discord Tag: v1besdk

Total Playtime: (1 Month) (5 Days) (2 Hours)
How active are you on the server?: on every day for minimum 3 hours

When are you online?: from 17:30 to 22:30 if i get home from work fast

VIP (Yes/No): Yes and i buy every time it expires as fast as posseble

Previous Organizations: (The Salamanca Family) (The Saya Family)

Items you own (Pictures of storage):
Money (Picture of bank account):
Vehicles you own (Picture of car garage):
Skill levels (Picture of all your levels):

What PEDs do you take? i dont know what that means so i search it up and found drugs but i dont do drugs in real life i only get meds for ADHD but i have the minimal ADHD

Do you have any experience with cheats? No should i?

Why do you want to join the organization?: I just want to play with someone on my level becuse all my latest orgs have only been 11 yo and never on only every day for 1 hour mabye so i want to play here becuse its a serius org and i want both learn and play with someone on my level

What can you bring to the organization?:i am on all the time then i am not in school or work i am 15 i know i sound like i am a little child but i work a full time job + i have my little sis to take care of and i am very mature of my age i may not sound like it but when u get to know me i am i will always help my frineds and i can rember this is just a game dont be to angry over it but i give stuff away to if anyone needs but i dont have to much in storage rn but i will buy a whole storage full of items but i can help alot

What makes you stand out from other applicants?:i have more time to be on at all times i grind the shit out of the server but else i dont stand out to much i dont wanna lie to u guys about very thing like every boring application that says i can think faster then normale perps but i dont wanna flec to much

Are you willing to take a ban for another org member if needed? (Yes/No): yes but if it means that i will lose all contact to my frineds and org once i get on the server after ban then no if i get kick out i off org and u guys dont want me in again then no but if i will stay after then yes even for a year even the best players need a long break some time

Are you willing to break the rules in order to take advantage over other players? (Yes/No): no not to much but yes a little

Primary focus (Growing, Casinos, PassiveRP, CopRP, CriminalRP): CopRP CriminalRP and Growing
