Dom's Enforcer Application (Again)

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STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:68712767
AGE: 21

Before I restate my reasons for wanting to become an Enforcer again, I'd like to cover some of the feedback I received when my last application was denied. I received a warning almost 2 months ago now where I killed a staff member for no good reason and was toxic to them using the 911 system through what I thought to be a joke which was clearly just not funny and was insensitive. Since the situation, I have not only held my hands up to my idiotic behavior in that instance but also apologized and made amends with the staff member only days after the incident and have not replicated my behavior in the slightest, all I can do in terms of this incident now is put it behind me and learn from the mistake which I believe I have in all capacity.

Secondly, I took a break months back after losing the rank of Admin as I had very little motivation after the events that led to me losing staff (I was inactive due to IRL commitments and simply had too much time off (LOAs) to keep the rank anymore) upon returning I found that I had no real drive to play the game after losing staff and so I took a break which I ended and began reinvolving myself with the community earlier this year. I have now been active again for months and have had absolutely no problem reinvolving myself in the criminal side of the server, and also the PD, I have adapted to rule changes and still maintain a great knowledge of the rules and this break has not hindered my performance in the slightest.

I've taken my breaks, I'm back and as stated above, I have been for months, and I'm not planning on going anywhere any time soon, I've found my enjoyment for the server once again and I'm back and better than ever.

Now back to the formal part of the application:

I want to become an Enforcer due to my previous experience in the staff team. I enjoyed my time as staff immensely and wish that my real-life situations didn't have to get in the way of it. I am now in a much better situation with a lot more time on my hands to dedicate towards perp, which hopefully I have demonstrated since my return. I have made a few mistakes since coming back, however, I have made immense with the people I impacted and now have a serious head-on once again.

During my time as staff previously, I reached the rank of Admin and would say I did a great job and maintained a very high report count, not really ever coming into any issues within my role. I originally became a staff member as I wanted to make a positive impact on the server and this is no different this time around. The current staff team is great and I'd love to work with the new staff members who have joined since my time to make the server more fun and problem-free for all. I believe that my previous experience as an Admin is a perfect example of my extensive rule knowledge and ability to do this job to a good standard.

I have done a lot of thinking since I was last staff. At times I was too invested in the game and took it too seriously in an RP sense. This behavior has improved significantly and I am a lot less toxic than I used to be and a lot less stubborn, giving me the newfound ability to own up to my mistakes instead of arguing until I get what I want and I think this will only make me a much better staff member than last time.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: Any feedback is welcome, thank you for reading.

Some recommendations:


  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week. - Embarrassingly higher than required
  • No recent in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on record, this includes both the forums and the server. (1 month)
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them.
  • You must have access to and use a microphone. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server.
Requirements Met
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Bolli's Testicles, PLC
Let me copy paste my last reply since nothing really changed for me.

Dom is a very well known one of the old community members.

Thinking of the experience and knowledge he added himself since day one, he's very valuable for a staff member position.

This is all my personal opinion to be fair.


Best of luck!
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Dom's attitude has improves significantly since he was last staff, he's also been very active on the server since he came back a few months ago and I personally feel like he's gonna be a great asset to the staff team once again. his knowledge of the server and it's rules is extensive and we've known each other for a long time now and he knows that I don't just tell him what he wants to hear so I have no reason to be biased here. I haven't wrote anything on his last enforcer application since I didn't want it to come across as a biased opinion, but to my surprise it was denied and so I feel it necessary for me to voice my support this time.

He deserves this role.
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Let me copy paste my last reply since nothing really changed for me.

Dom is a very well known one of the old community members.

Thinking of the experience and knowledge he added himself since day one, he's very valuable for a staff member position.

This is all my personal opinion to be fair.


Best of luck!
My man, thanks again for your support.
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Dom's attitude has improves significantly since he was last staff, he's also been very active on the server since he came back a few months ago and I personally feel like he's gonna be a great asset to the staff team once again. his knowledge of the server and it's rules is extensive and we've known each other for a long time now and he knows that I don't just tell him what he wants to hear so I have no reason to be biased here. I haven't wrote anything on his last enforcer application since I didn't want it to come across as a biased opinion, but to my surprise it was denied and so I feel it necessary for me to voice my support this time.

He deserves this role.

Didn’t expect a response from you, thanks brother x
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