Ban Dispute (exmem and 3izu)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: exmem and 3izu
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: StevieBeans
Your Roleplay Name: stevie beans
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61122202

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: admins looking for reasons

Why should this appeal be considered?: I started beef with a org known for having admins in there midst and provided evidence to the city of paralake and since then ive been pulled into two admin sits first one i was warned for 3,4 because i slashed a raiders tires while they were inside a base fighting police the admin who took the sit wanted to ban me even though i had a clean record the admin was one of the people who died in the raid and was salty i said thanks for the guns in ooc which their org says much worse all the time after requesting another admin help him make a decision it was dumbed down to a warning of 3,4 i would argue otherwise but i was afraid he would change it back to a ban about two hours later cops were raiding my house i thought cops were counter raiding it so i entered up the stairs because i thought the raiders were dead i asked the cop to uncuff me i was then dragged out of the apartment when a flanker came up and attacked again i was then contacted by another asda hoodrat nwa affiliated admin who was delighted to ban me for yet again 3,4 i don't think was appropriate if you ask anyone who isn't in with the 3 mentioned orgs they will voice that they too agree that admins shouldn't be able to handle tickets if their org is involved because favoritism and unjust actions like this occur and im calling it now because i made this dispute my previous warning will go back to a ban and my current punishment will be extended because that's the type of people i believe them to be ive had 13 days gameplay of no warnings and when i try to fight back at their orgs and call them out they look for the smallest reasons to take me out and thats what they do also i dont expect this to get revoked i just want you to know every rat has their day

Additional Information: just like how other servers have the option to create jobs with abilities admins should have one they cant access while their raiding/rping and when their org is involved in a ticket they shouldnt be the one making the final decision cause biased bullshit like this happens daily
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Involved in the incident as an officer.
You had clearly heard shooting and had been handcuffed for about a minute at this point. Despite the clear gunfight occurring in the apartment, you entered and even stood in the line of fire while handcuffed and completely defenceless. This could have led to your death over such a trivial thing as wanting to be quickly released from detainment. You continued to be reluctant after I told you to leave as well, and your constant presence in the doorway likely led to the misidentification of an actual flanker who was wearing the same clothes as you.

I have no affiliation with these evil "asda-affiliated" moderators, and yet I find myself agreeing that you were in the wrong. Not quite sure how you see otherwise.
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i just went through abunch of people who were warned with 3,4 and most of them didnt aquire a ban till warning 4-5 yet i get mine on number 2 after 13days gameplay of good boy behavior and to the person commenting above me imagine reporting a guy as cop when you didnt even die or lose a single thing
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and if you wanted me to leave so badly why not fucking uncuff me so i could and if i ran away id get jailed for fleeing police how about protect and serve and stop letting god do your job
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and its not that i think you reporting me was in the wrong its that this moderator jumped at another chance to harshly punish me cause i slandered their rat org
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if anything warn me again for 3.4 and move on but no thats not how this rattery plays out on a daily basis
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to the person commenting above me imagine reporting a guy as cop when you didnt even die or lose a single thing
Not that it matters, but I'm not the person who reported you at the time! I'm assuming that someone else was watching.

if anything warn me again for 3.4 and move on
This isn't my place, but if you're saying the punishment was unjust (not the reason itself) you will probably have more luck making a staff complaint.
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Not that it matters, but I'm not the person who reported you at the time! I'm assuming that someone else was watching.

This isn't my place, but if you're saying the punishment was unjust (not the reason itself) you will probably have more luck making a staff complaint.
already did but its obviously going get denied thick as theives rats run in packs and its easier to silence the outraged then take action within thats corruption for you
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Not everyone is out to get you, make a staff complaint instead of spewing irrelevant, made up claims without any type of evidence because you think some staff members are biased and personally want to ban you because they don't like you. If you want the staff to take your dispute and reports seriously it would help not to insult and slander them at the same time.

When making a staffcomplaint its only Admin+ and ultimately Head Admin, CM and Owners that will deal with it so it will be completely unbiased.
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None of us are on a manhunt for you, and the only reason you're facing any sort of punishment is because you genuinely broke the rules. The fact that you broke the same rule a couple hours earlier is not my doing. I didn't trust you to not break the same rule again, hence the ban.

I tried to articulate to you in the report I opened with you that when you decided to run into the apartment where people were shooting, what you did was not justified, and explained to you why it wasn't.

I was roleplaying as someone who was scared for their life.
You kept dismissing it as you roleplaying as someone who was scared for their life.
Any sound person who was actually scared for their life would run away from the apartment the shots were coming from, not into it. You walked into the apartment, restrained, directly into the hazard zone, placing your life at risk. You derailed the conversation and claimed you were being targeted by staff.

A contributing factor to your ban was your reasoning and failure to see reason when it was being explained to you in the report. You denied my explanation and tried to justify your actions in the report with something that did not make sense at the time.

You failed to justify your actions. You approached the hazard area and subsequently placed your life on the line in an attempt to have an officer un-restrain you sooner, to save 3-5 minutes the gunfight would take.
The correct course of action was to go downstairs, wait for the shootout to end and then wait for release outside of danger.

i just went through abunch of people who were warned with 3,4 and most of them didnt aquire a ban till warning 4-5 yet i get mine on number 2 after 13days gameplay of good boy behavior

Perp has a learning curve, and mistakes happen, reflected by the leniency of warnings when they're issued. There comes a point where a line has to be drawn on how many times you can break the same rule before a staff member has to put their foot down and stop interpreting these actions as mistakes, and instead see them as malicious or ignorant.

A lot of people are warned for 3.4, yes. Those punishments are heavily context specific. In most cases, it was a genuine mistake, or it has been a really long time since they broke that rule for a second or third time. This constitutes a mistake, reflected only by a warning. Warnings don't change how you play the server, but serve as a reminder for you as a player that you shouldn't have done what you did, and it serves as a record for us staff members to take into account when deciding on a player's next punishment.

If you're not learning, a ban is instated to force you to learn. A ban is purposefully inconvenient for you as a player, and if you want to further avoid getting them, it's time to take a minute to learn the rules you keep breaking, to avoid breaking them and subsequently getting banned again.

its that this moderator jumped at another chance to harshly punish me cause i slandered their rat org
if anything warn me again for 3.4 and move on but no thats not how this rattery plays out on a daily basis
I don't care what you do in-game, and frankly you've never slandered me or my organization before today. I don't have the energy, and don't care enough to target someone, and I'm not so petty to target someone just to see them off the server for every single rule break. I am also not part of any organization that has any sort of beef with you. My organization is run by a friend of mine, it's just me and him and we don't raid people. We craft and sell items.

I suppose as a closing statement, I'll end it with this to dispel any lingering thoughts that I'm being corrupt and handling the dispute I issued a punishment for.

To make things clear; I am not allowed to handle disputes on my own punishments. We, the staff team, self-enforce a strict set of rules on how disputes are handled. This includes the issuing staff member not being allowed to decide on the outcome of the dispute. I am however allowed to reply and defend myself similarly to how an Action Request works.

I hope this clears things up for you, and that you don't feel that we're trying to focus you out of the community. You are more than welcome to play here as long as you can follow the rules and remain cordial.
I'd appreciate if you stopped being disrespectful to staff, and stop stating things that aren't true about us. We put in a good amount of free time to ensure that your gameplay experience isn't excessively negatively affected when you try to follow the rules yourself.

I'd like to note that 3izu had nothing to do with your ban.
If you're trying to dispute his warning, you're going to have to create a separate warning dispute. Compounding disputes only serves to complexify the process of reviewing the situation.


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United Kingdom

Clear violation of rule 3.4, as others had stated if you believe your punishment was unfair and not the actual reasoning for your ban, feel free to create a staff complaint and it will be reviewed by an Administrator+, as for the actual ban it is valid as seen in the video. You were handcuffed and you should've fleed the scene of the shootout instead of standing right outside of it.

If you wish to dispute your other punishment also by 3izu, create a separate dispute for this.

"Loitering around the vicinity of a shootout you are not a part of or being within the line of fire from both intentional and accidental fire. Users must flee the scene of a shootout and wait for police to clear the scene and reopen the area to the public. This applies regardless of you being restrained or not."
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