Action Request (tyler ye)

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Your Steam Name: pendingsuicide
Your Roleplay Name: Lora Goth
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:812368420

Player's Steam Name: tyler ye
Player's Roleplay Name: Bamidele Faraji-Chiumbo
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60247832

Why should this player be punished?: I will also be reporting Archie Towner from the same day, as I've been told I do not have to make two separate reports.

I am reporting Archie/Rxsm for 1.1 and 1.4 for talking negatively in OOC about me after I was banned for no reason. After another player was excessively negative towards me; they expressed that they'd felt bad. Rxsm told him "egirl had it coming" and "dont feel bad she got three weeks". I feel that the events that lead up to this did not evoke anything negative to be said about me, and I think he was trying to cause problems.

I will also be reporting Bamidele for breaking NLR and requesting his gun back from me after he died, while in character.

I will be reporting Abidi Romano for failing to roleplay and putting their life in danger. When watching me kill 3 people and being told to leave multiple times, they refused to leave my apartment and casually walked around the dead bodies; knowing I'd wanted him out and gun pointed him to leave. Did not leave under gunpoint, did not leave the shootout and made no effort to shoot back.

I am also unsure all the details of what Bamidele did, but he also hid my gun from me after I'd told everyone in my apartment not to touch it; returned after I killed him to continue to grow while knowing he wasn't welcome, I suspect him of stealing my seeding weed plant and also calling someone to come and mug me when he realised he would be kicked out for the 2nd time. I believe what he did was excessively negative and toxic, and I believe he did all of this for no reason. I simply did not want anyone to touch my gun, however Bamidele went out of his way multiple times to inconvenience me.

Bamilde was told to leave my apartment and made to indication to leave between the sixteen seconds of me asking, and a shot being fired at him. He had 16 seconds to give any indication that he'd be leaving. I hadn’t observed anyone grabbing any planters, or harvesting planters. I didn’t observe anyone walking towards the door, I didn’t observe anyone even responding to my request. I observed at least two players present, and walking around my apartment bedroom at this time. This prompted me to gunpoint them to leave. From the time they were gunpointed, they all had about 7 seconds to indicate they’d be leaving.

Will send demo apon request

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I am reporting Archie/Rxsm for 1.1 and 1.4 for talking negatively in OOC about me after I was banned for no reason
How does this particularly fall into 1.1 OR 1.4? I am calling you an egirl, which basically just means a girl who plays games? (Electronic Girl I assume, no clue.) If I were to be one to cause problems (which is 1.4), I would have said such things at the time of you being still ON the server.
After another player was excessively negative towards me; they expressed that they'd felt bad.
Excessive Negativity does not equate to mugging somebody because they kicked you out of their base? Not to mention they weren't even in the base...

After another player was excessively negative towards me; they expressed that they'd felt bad. Rxsm told him "egirl had it coming" and "dont feel bad she got three weeks".
I stated "dont feel bad she got three weeks" because he felt bad about somebody who didn't believe they deserved it, and I simply tried to change their opinion by stating you had just broken a rule and been banned for 3 weeks, again. How is this 1.1 OR 1.4?
I feel that the events that lead up to this did not evoke anything negative to be said about me, and I think he was trying to cause problems.
I have seen you ingame for about 5 seconds, which is when you asked where your drugs were and I said "I don't know, I only just got storage" and then proceeded to leave, why would I have an opinion about you, and why would I feel the urge to express it...
I am also unsure all the details of what Bamidele did, but he also hid my gun from me after I'd told everyone in my apartment not to touch it; returned after I killed him to continue to grow while knowing he wasn't welcome,
He was killed by you for such a minor inconvenience, and did he know it was you? Did you shoot him face to face? Did you state YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE ANYMORE!, did you take his keys away? If he was such a pain for you, why did you still have him on your permissions to enter the property, and he returned after his NLR timer was up of course, and whilst you weren't even in the property!!!

I suspect him of stealing my seeding weed plant and also calling someone to come and mug me when he realised he would be kicked out for the 2nd time. I believe what he did was excessively negative and toxic, and I believe he did all of this for no reason. I simply did not want anyone to touch my gun, however Bamidele went out of his way multiple times to inconvenience me.
Life is filled with arseholes. (Fuck you @tylerye ) He touched your gun after that, wow. Kick him out, ask for it back etc. Its nowhere near the negativity that would allow for a user to be punished. He went out of his way to profit himself if he were to have taken the items. The fact he called somebody to mug you (which i don't even know if he did), was probably because you had just killed his friends and had kicked him out of the house with his drugs inside...
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How does this particularly fall into 1.1 OR 1.4? I am calling you an egirl, which basically just means a girl who plays games? (Electronic Girl I assume, no clue.) If I were to be one to cause problems (which is 1.4), I would have said such things at the time of you being still ON the server.

Excessive Negativity does not equate to mugging somebody because they kicked you out of their base? Not to mention they weren't even in the base...

I stated "dont feel bad she got three weeks" because he felt bad about somebody who didn't believe they deserved it, and I simply tried to change their opinion by stating you had just broken a rule and been banned for 3 weeks, again. How is this 1.1 OR 1.4?

I have seen you ingame for about 5 seconds, which is when you asked where your drugs were and I said "I don't know, I only just got storage" and then proceeded to leave, why would I have an opinion about you, and why would I feel the urge to express it...

He was killed by you for such a minor inconvenience, and did he know it was you? Did you shoot him face to face? Did you state YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE ANYMORE!, did you take his keys away? If he was such a pain for you, why did you still have him on your permissions to enter the property, and he returned after his NLR timer was up of course, and whilst you weren't even in the property!!!

Life is filled with arseholes. (Fuck you @tylerye ) He touched your gun after that, wow. Kick him out, ask for it back etc. Its nowhere near the negativity that would allow for a user to be punished. He went out of his way to profit himself if he were to have taken the items. The fact he called somebody to mug you (which i don't even know if he did), was probably because you had just killed his friends and had kicked him out of the house with his drugs inside...
I've just explained why I feel this way.

Excessive negativity can be categorised by multiple acts of inconveniencing someone, or being toxic. This is one example of the multiple things Tyler did to inconvenience me, for no reason.

He was killed by me because I'd specifically stated I did not want to be inconvenienced and he still decided to do it anyways. This is immature, and lead to me simply not wanting him in my base. Wouldn't you do the same after being disrespected? He refused to indicate leaving, so he died, got salty, and continued to inconvenience me instead of just leaving me alone like i'd originally requested.

He had keys because we were in the same org. The gun was definitely in frame for him, so he'd seen it. I told him, and everyone else to leave.

I did request my gun back, and stated it was missing. I was told "Frick whoever did that!". There was clearly a lack of respect for my belongings, in my own apartment and I did what I thought would be best to avoid future issues. I gave them all lots of time to indicate that they were planning to leave. Again, they all had 16 seconds to aknowledge what I said, maybe grab a planter? Mention it? Get stepping? Nothing. That is why they were shot.
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How does this particularly fall into 1.1 OR 1.4? I am calling you an egirl, which basically just means a girl who plays games? (Electronic Girl I assume, no clue.) If I were to be one to cause problems (which is 1.4), I would have said such things at the time of you being still ON the server.

Excessive Negativity does not equate to mugging somebody because they kicked you out of their base? Not to mention they weren't even in the base...

I stated "dont feel bad she got three weeks" because he felt bad about somebody who didn't believe they deserved it, and I simply tried to change their opinion by stating you had just broken a rule and been banned for 3 weeks, again. How is this 1.1 OR 1.4?

I have seen you ingame for about 5 seconds, which is when you asked where your drugs were and I said "I don't know, I only just got storage" and then proceeded to leave, why would I have an opinion about you, and why would I feel the urge to express it...

He was killed by you for such a minor inconvenience, and did he know it was you? Did you shoot him face to face? Did you state YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE ANYMORE!, did you take his keys away? If he was such a pain for you, why did you still have him on your permissions to enter the property, and he returned after his NLR timer was up of course, and whilst you weren't even in the property!!!

Life is filled with arseholes. (Fuck you @tylerye ) He touched your gun after that, wow. Kick him out, ask for it back etc. Its nowhere near the negativity that would allow for a user to be punished. He went out of his way to profit himself if he were to have taken the items. The fact he called somebody to mug you (which i don't even know if he did), was probably because you had just killed his friends and had kicked him out of the house with his drugs inside...
Also, I was in the process on dragging his drugs all out of the door.
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Great Britain

@Dave can you comment on the allegations of 3.4 that have been made in this AR?
@tylerye did you ask for your gun back after you had died? Can you also please discuss if/why you hid the weapon.

You both have 48 hours to get back with substantial replies. Any evidence you can produce would be ideal.

@pendingsuicide please can you upload perpheads_demo_2024-4-28 09-07-19 and perpheads_demo_2024-4-28 10-07-20. Please can you also tell me how you know Tyler asked about his weapon, did he ask you directly? Please complete the aforementioned requests within the same 48 hours as the others.

Demo guide to help you find the demos
Website you can use to upload
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Nowhere Important
None of this is information you knew in game, I did not call anyone to mug you and I never asked for the gun back which is easily checkable in org chat logs or through a demo. I did steal your weed because why not, I wanted the seeds and no one knew who's planters they were. I did hide the gun, I 'hid' the gun but I do not believe that is a rule break and it wasn't exactly hidden, it was just on the second shelf of the chemical table less than a meter away from where she had dropped it. It was not solely me who was told to leave the apartment, it was everybody, hence the text chat message "everyone get out" which does not make it clear whether you want people to leave the room or the apartment. When you made it clearer the second time you kicked us out, everyone left as you actually gave people time to respond and leave. There was 5 of us in the room and only 3 of us were killed as one left and the other you just didn't shoot at, which makes it seem more targeted as us specific three rather than everyone which is what you originally typed?

I did originally see the gun, yes, however as you are an org member there was absolutely no reason for me to assume that you were going to shoot me or others. There were many reasons you could have taken the gun out, the most apparent to me being the fact that you just lost your gun and were taking a new one out to use, readying it in order to reload. None of the messages you said were said while I was under direct gunpoint, the first was before you had taken your weapon out and the second was while it was in passive. It is very safe to assume that an org member is not going to shoot you, especially when they don't know you did anything wrong.

Again, you had no way of knowing it was me and by the way you're talking, its like you knew. You decided to take a gamble and shoot 3 of us and leaving 2 alive, who it very well could have been. You also didn't pursue it further after the three of us died.
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Wales, United Kingdom
Based on the fact that 0 evidence was supplied by the creator of the action request, I decided to go into my demo so you can get a better grasp of how the situation played out from my perspective []. From this clip you can clearly see that the vague warning to "get out" was given before I had even stepped foot inside the room fully, it is impossible that this was directed towards me considering the time it had to take to type the message and to fully react that I was in the room, therefore I decided to continue inside the room as normal. In addition, I had no part in hiding the weapon that she was supposedly freaking out over meaning I did not have any reason to suspect me being a victim of her temper tantrum. Her claim that I was given "multiple warnings" prior to shooting my 3 friends is clearly baseless and merely an assumption of which she has no evidence, I had no reason to believe that my own fellow org member had any issues with me being in the room due to my lack of involvement in the aggravating factors and that I was never directly warned to leave.

After she had shot all 3 individuals that she suspected to be involved in the hiding of her weapon, she stopped firing before killing me entirely and only shot me once, which led me to believe that I was merely crossfired considering I was stood directly in line of where Toby once stood before being killed. I quickly look back into the room after shots had ceased and can clearly see that she had by then lowered her weapon, even further solidifying the fact that I had no reason to believe I was the target of her orders to leave nor her massacre. In addition, another individual who had no part in hiding the weapon (Mage) was not shot at all and was spared, and so I believed that I was not going to be shot either (which I wasn't). She then points her gun at us, giving no orders but it turned out that she was only reloading. Afterwards I pulled out my gun and contemplated shooting her, but after the massive loss of org XP that we had already suffered from I decided to refrain from killing her and instead continued to watch the situation die down while being rather wary considering her actions had proven to be quite unpredictable.

I'd like to mention that it is a completely irrational assumption for me to be making, that an org member is going to kill all of their associates, and thus why I remained around as I had no reason to suspect that I was going to be shot next. I do not feel as if my actions breached 3.4, considering I was evidently involved in the shootout but didn't think I was part of the targeted crowd, which is further proven by the fact that she just didn't shoot me.
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@Dave can you comment on the allegations of 3.4 that have been made in this AR?
@tylerye did you ask for your gun back after you had died? Can you also please discuss if/why you hid the weapon.

You both have 48 hours to get back with substantial replies. Any evidence you can produce would be ideal.

@pendingsuicide please can you upload perpheads_demo_2024-4-28 09-07-19 and perpheads_demo_2024-4-28 10-07-20. Please can you also tell me how you know Tyler asked about his weapon, did he ask you directly? Please complete the aforementioned requests within the same 48 hours as the others.

None of this is information you knew in game, I did not call anyone to mug you and I never asked for the gun back which is easily checkable in org chat logs or through a demo. I did steal your weed because why not, I wanted the seeds and no one knew who's planters they were. I did hide the gun, I 'hid' the gun but I do not believe that is a rule break and it wasn't exactly hidden, it was just on the second shelf of the chemical table less than a meter away from where she had dropped it. It was not solely me who was told to leave the apartment, it was everybody, hence the text chat message "everyone get out" which does not make it clear whether you want people to leave the room or the apartment. When you made it clearer the second time you kicked us out, everyone left as you actually gave people time to respond and leave. There was 5 of us in the room and only 3 of us were killed as one left and the other you just didn't shoot at, which makes it seem more targeted as us specific three rather than everyone which is what you originally typed?

I did originally see the gun, yes, however as you are an org member there was absolutely no reason for me to assume that you were going to shoot me or others. There were many reasons you could have taken the gun out, the most apparent to me being the fact that you just lost your gun and were taking a new one out to use, readying it in order to reload. None of the messages you said were said while I was under direct gunpoint, the first was before you had taken your weapon out and the second was while it was in passive. It is very safe to assume that an org member is not going to shoot you, especially when they don't know you did anything wrong.

Again, you had no way of knowing it was me and by the way you're talking, its like you knew. You decided to take a gamble and shoot 3 of us and leaving 2 alive, who it very well could have been. You also didn't pursue it further after the three of us died.
It was hidden and I was under the impression it was stolen. This warranted me to kill any of you anyway, but I'd decided i'd just de-escalate and kick you out. "Everyone get out", whether it be the room or the apartment, still means you should probably leave. You didn't exhibit any behaviour of leaving after already directly seeing the gun. You all were not killed because you hid my gun, you were killed because you didn't leave after I told you to get out twice. The gun was completely out of sight, I don't know why you're trying to play it down like you just moved it. Before leaving, I told all of you not to touch it at all. So, instead of respecting this; you decided to take my gun and hide it; then refuse to tell me where it was when I asked about it. "You are an org member and there is absolutely no reason for me to assume you were going to shoot me or others". I assume org members don't report each other or go out of their way to inconvenience each other but you have a pattern for doing this. You continuously inconvenienced me and returned after you were killed to do it all again. Very immature and toxic.
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Nowhere Important
It was hidden and I was under the impression it was stolen. This warranted me to kill any of you anyway, but I'd decided i'd just de-escalate and kick you out. "Everyone get out", whether it be the room or the apartment, still means you should probably leave. You didn't exhibit any behaviour of leaving after already directly seeing the gun. You all were not killed because you hid my gun, you were killed because you didn't leave after I told you to get out twice. The gun was completely out of sight, I don't know why you're trying to play it down like you just moved it. Before leaving, I told all of you not to touch it at all. So, instead of respecting this; you decided to take my gun and hide it; then refuse to tell me where it was when I asked about it. "You are an org member and there is absolutely no reason for me to assume you were going to shoot me or others". I assume org members don't report each other or go out of their way to inconvenience each other but you have a pattern for doing this. You continuously inconvenienced me and returned after you were killed to do it all again. Very immature and toxic.
So you didn't investigate as to whether it was stolen and decided to have a fit and kick us out? You also didn't specify as to whether you wanted us to leave the house or to leave the room which I was actually in process of planting to then leave the room but I was killed before I was given the chance to finish.

Saying you don't assume org members would make reports on one another and saying I do it constantly is a completely stupid statement to make as both the report that got you banned for this and the other report that got you warned for were simply because you decided to do things that were unjust, the first time running me over for no reason and now this.

Also saying I consistently inconvenience you is also just wrong, within this situation I simply moved your gun and I had not returned to the base in quite a while as I did a bank raid after I respawned and when I had returned I mostly sat AFK, other than taking the drugs that I assumed were no ones. It seems that this is simply a situation of you getting banned and being mad about it, if anyone has a track record of anything here it is you having a track record of having childish tantrums when things don't quite go your way or you minge about and get punished for it.
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So you didn't investigate as to whether it was stolen and decided to have a fit and kick us out? You also didn't specify as to whether you wanted us to leave the house or to leave the room which I was actually in process of planting to then leave the room but I was killed before I was given the chance to finish.

Saying you don't assume org members would make reports on one another and saying I do it constantly is a completely stupid statement to make as both the report that got you banned for this and the other report that got you warned for were simply because you decided to do things that were unjust, the first time running me over for no reason and now this.

Also saying I consistently inconvenience you is also just wrong, within this situation I simply moved your gun and I had not returned to the base in quite a while as I did a bank raid after I respawned and when I had returned I mostly sat AFK, other than taking the drugs that I assumed were no ones. It seems that this is simply a situation of you getting banned and being mad about it, if anyone has a track record of anything here it is you having a track record of having childish tantrums when things don't quite go your way or you minge about and get punished for it.
I did investigate. I asked who took my gun or the whereabouts of it, nobody wanted to say anything about it; including you. Clearly if nobody is going to tell me where my gun is, I'm not gonna bother. There was no tantrum thrown, I asked you all to leave. This seems like an appropriate and mature reaction to your childish behaviour. Also, if you were planning to leave, why would you plant your weed? Clearly your thought process lacks or you're just making this all up. If I'd of been kicked out of your base, I wouldn't immediately plant more drugs into my empty planters; like you did. Especially while under gunpoint. Again, I don't know why you're acting like you didn't do anything wrong. You'd observed me going back and fourth to my drugs to collect, replant etc. Maybe don't touch things that aren't yours, like a child. And even when I asked who stole my drugs, you'd not mentioned anything. It's obvious what you did, and it's obvious it was excessively negative when all I wanted was for you to leave me alone.
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Nowhere Important
I did investigate. I asked who took my gun or the whereabouts of it, nobody wanted to say anything about it; including you. Clearly if nobody is going to tell me where my gun is, I'm not gonna bother. There was no tantrum thrown, I asked you all to leave. This seems like an appropriate and mature reaction to your childish behaviour. Also, if you were planning to leave, why would you plant your weed? Clearly your thought process lacks or you're just making this all up. If I'd of been kicked out of your base, I wouldn't immediately plant more drugs into my empty planters; like you did. Especially while under gunpoint. Again, I don't know why you're acting like you didn't do anything wrong. You'd observed me going back and fourth to my drugs to collect, replant etc. Maybe don't touch things that aren't yours, like a child. And even when I asked who stole my drugs, you'd not mentioned anything. It's obvious what you did, and it's obvious it was excessively negative when all I wanted was for you to leave me alone.
Like I said, I was planting as what you said could be taken as either leave the room or leave the house. I took it as leave the room so I was planting prior to that. If you had read my first reply you would have known that none of the commands you gave were under direct gunpoint and it would be easily assumable that you were only pointing your gun in order to reload it and not that you were going to shoot us. My actions did negatively effect you however they were not within breach of the rules.
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