Sean's Enforcer Application

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Sean's Enforcer Application

STEAM NAME: Sean (Steven Ficklestein)

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:97899420

AGE: 18

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENFORCER?: I would like to be an Enforcer because since joining Perp I have had a lot of ups and downs which have caused me to have a rocky past regarding administrative situations however, around a year ago I decided to start taking the server more seriously in which during this time I was able to obtain the rank of Helper and get the rank of LT in the PD. Since being a Helper, I believe I have turned myself around and have been able to demonstrate that I can benefit the server in many ways such as by inviting new players to my organisation and teaching them how to play or by simply stopping minor rule breaks such as abusive OOC chats which turn the server into a toxic environment at times. With this being said, I would like to progress further and have a chance at having more of an impact on the community and assisting with further issues such as reports or simply by continuing to assist new players which I believe Enforcer tools would allow me to do a lot more in regards to this.

Furthermore, I believe my long period of being a part of this community will help me enforce the rules and assist with any staff situations. This is because I have experienced pretty much all aspects of the server including PLPD which I am currently a LT, criminal rp which I take part in alongside my organisation and passive roleplay which I normally run different businesses in Bazaar. This would apply to my enforcer role if I were to get it as I would be able to use this past experience and apply it to situations I am dealing with which would enable me to make an efficient and professional decision.

Additionally, while serving as Helper I have taken all feedback which was given to me throughout my time and improved myself based on it. Firstly, the main concern which was raised when giving me Helper was my activity which it was dodgy at first and I understand this however, I believe recently I have completely turned this round and I have been able to demonstrate an active presence on the server, Teamspeak and Discord. Another piece of feedback which was given to me was sometimes my conduct could come across disrespectful in Teamspeak which I believe has significantly improved and I have refrained from doing this anymore. In regards to these points, I have improved myself to the point where I think I am ready to take up the role of Enforcer and I believe I can be trusted since I am able to take on feedback and improve myself in any way needed.

Lastly, becoming an Enforcer has kind of been a goal for me within the community as a few years ago I never thought I would apply for Enforcer due to my conduct in-game not being up to standard back then. However, since getting Helper a while back Enforcer kind of came into sight and I thought I may as well start working towards it since maybe one day I can be trusted with the role and I will be able to play a bigger part in the community. In regards to this, I believe I have tried to establish myself more in the community by maintaining activity through various parts of the community and consistently improve my activity in-game.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I know I have had issues with activity in the past however, I believe I have improved this significantly in the past month and I am now in a more permanent working environment with a permanent schedule so this issue won't re-occur. Thanks for reading my application!

  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week.
  • No recent in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on record, this includes both the forums and the server. (1 month)
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them.
  • You must have access to and use a microphone. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server.
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I'd say yes but i'll say no i barely see you on the server if at all but other than that it's a yes since you do seem to know the rules and your behavior is befitting of the staff role which puts me at a yes yes and a no idk so...
NEUTRAL from me
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+Support. Sean has been professional and has the intent to help the server and the community. he's done a great job as a helper by enforcing and helping new players out a lot. have been seeing a lot of good deeds from him.
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+support this man right here, idk how he dosn't have Enforcer allready. verry helpfull person and extremely good rule knowledge
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Yeah just wanted to say +support from me, a great guy to speak to and is really helpful to both new players and current players
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United Kingdom
+1 - Solid Guy, Helpful without any hesitation and always keeps a high standard of professionalism, He also holds a high rank in his PD and has held it for a while displaying his responsibility level.
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