Rework genes

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Main idea: Rework how genes work, add more progression, more "paths" available to take but also more benefits.

Description: There will be a gene tree which will have some main branches (for example the ability to craft heavier guns, regenaration, more stuff I'll think for the actual suggestion if people like this, the goal is to add more gene types to unlock as well) while also some smaller options you can choose additionally (like faster crafting time etc.) that would be simple benefits without restricting anything.
I am not sure how you would earn the genes yet. I was thinking of buying them from the hospital like before, but only able to unlock the main branches with them while the secondary ones would be unlocked via progress, like crafting or hitting something idk, depends on the branch. I haven't thought much about the ability to reset the genes. Maybe keep the points for the main branches but lose progress for the secondary ones.
Also the aim isn't to make it more difficult, just more interesting. The tree should be as clean as possible and not make the game mode more confusing.
Lastly, you wouldn't be able to unlock everything in the tree. You would need to choose what direction you'd like to take. It's not that if you took the path of crafting for example you wouldn't be able to regen at all. You would be able to put points to other trees but you wouldn't be able to max them.

Pros: More stuff to do
Would probably make more sense to team up with people with different specialties
People would buy more guns since they wouldn't be able to craft them (?)
Influence could be a thing!

Cons: Sounds confusing on paper probably
Difficult to balance and probably implement
Probably a lot more I haven't taken into accout
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