Questionable traffic signs/rules in V5

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Type of Bug: Map

Description of the Bug: Multiple instances where the road rules make no sense and other misc. stuff that's explained in each spoiler. I wrote potential solutions to fix some of these problems.

The traffic light has been replaced with a stop sign, forcing vehicles to stop before a zebra crossing (with no visible line where to stop in front of, only the crossing). Vehicles that come from the PD down to Shady St. get a stop sign, vehicles that come from Roadcrew going up Shady St. to PD have no stop sign and are not forced to stop (though they still have to yield for a pedestrian if they wish to cross)

Solution: Place a second STOP sign for drivers coming from Roadcrew. Possibly change the STOP sign at the gas station with a YIELD sign. Also unrelated, but the No Stopping/Parking signs at the Fire Department have disappeared, vehicles may park there again for some reason. Add them back.)

There are multiple speed signs on the Highway that don't make a lot of sense to me.

Once you cross this part of the highway, you may go 80 MPH for about 30 meters before being restricted to 55 MPH as you go around the bend. Once you exit the bend you are only allowed to go 65 MPH down this road.

The other side has a speed limit of 80 MPH and are allowed to go faster as it opens up to two lanes, the reason why it might be 65 on this part of the road is as there is a zipper merge and to lessen some accidents but maybe just bump the speed up to 80 on this part of the road.

Solution: Remove the first 80 MPH sign and change the 65 MPH limit to 80 MPH). Place a 50 MPH sign more towards the intersection on to indicate for vehicles coming from Hospital/PD the speed limit before they hit the 55 MPH bend which would make a lot more sense.

This road still does not have any signs to indicate vehicles coming from Railway St. to yield to incoming traffic coming from Puffer St.

Solution: Place a YIELD sign for drivers coming from Railway St.

This part of the Highway has a speed limit of 50 MPH which makes sense as there is a busy intersection coming up, indicating for vehicles to slow down.

This part of the highway does not have a speed limit of 50, people may go 80 MPH from the previous speed limit sign and cause more accidents (Edit: There is a 65MPH sign there, oops. Possibly change that to 50MPH or keep it, I don't know). A speed limit sign here would make more sense than the speed limit we first saw in the first spoiler in order to reduce accidents that happen on the intersection.

Solution: Place a 50 MPH sign for vehicles that come from Business Highway-Bridge after the bend towards Intersection on the right near the fence.

One side of the road has a speed limit sign while the other one doesn't. Place this somewhere else where it would make more sense or look into the solution.

Solution: Place another sign for the other lane.

It's missing one STOP sign on the left, it could better indicate for drivers to not drive up this ramp. As I was taking this picture, a Mini Cooper went on to this ramp lmao.

Solution: Place a second STOP sign on the left. Other ramps may have this, please check.

Pls fix. Also extend the brick wall to get rid of that ugly sharp edge where the street signs are.
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United Kingdom
I think the stop sign is there for the fire department so when a FF needs to respond to an incident in a fire truck they won’t end up in a collision

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