Enforcer Application (Dave)

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Wales, United Kingdom
Steam Name : Dave
Age : 16
Steam ID : Steam_0:1:626842016
In-Game Name : John Mawr
Why do you want to be an Enforcer? :
I have been a Server Helper for nearly 2 months now, in my time as a Helper I have had a great time learning more about the administrative side of the server and helping people out, but inevitably I have began to think about taking on more responsibility. In the month of February I managed to completed 433 Help Tickets and it helped me realise how much reports need to be dealt with so often, I have found myself being online at times where I am online with only a few more staff members on yet the player count still being very high, when I am a helper I feel rather helpless as I see the report count stacking up but not being able to do anything about it.

Since becoming a Helper I have learned a whole lot about the rules that people do not originally realise and have been able to inform people about these and make them more knowledgeable about said rules, yes I have made a couple mistakes but I make an effort to learn from mistakes and make myself better in the long run. I partake in a range of different types of roleplay on the server and attempt to immerse myself in various aspects of the game (Police, Firefighter, Criminal, PassiveRP e.t.c) meaning I have a range of different experiences I can use to relate to peoples perspectives in reports.

Do you have anything else to say? :
I know this application is relatively short compared to other but I do not want it to drag on and on, and I don't really have anything else that is important to say.
Here's a link to my Helper Application if you haven't seen it - https://perpheads.com/threads/helper-application-dave.53045/
Thanks to @Jack for pushing me into actually writing this.

Requirements :
  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week (press Q in-game to check this) ✅
  • No recent in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on record within the past month, this includes both the forums and the server. ✅
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws. ✅
  • You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server. ✅
  • You must maintain an active presence on the Discord Server, specifically Help and Support. ✅
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very friendly helped my alt without knowing it was me i believe this man would be an awesome enfotcer
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Everyone knows Dave, and every person knows Dave takes his stuff seriously as helper, so I wouldn't see why this application would be denied. He'd be a really good addition to the staff team and will probably stack up a huge numbers of solved reports in no time at all. +Rep Dave
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England,United Kingdom
+Support Dave has been Goated in his position in Helper,even going so far as to Raid with new players(Which sadly i was a victim too Lmao) He is very knowledgable when it comes to Rules,Hence why if im ever confused bout one ill send a Dm his way.
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