Ban request on Billy Belinsky (IC name)

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I think that you both did something wrong. The NPC's would hear the crash. But Matty pulled out a gun, the NPC's would call police. Also if anyone would of saw you punching him they would of call the cops. Instead of pulling out a gun call the police. But Billy, there are way too much NPC's. If you would of used the silened berreta and flee the scene that would of be a bit better. And what you did there was not self defense. So at that moment there would of been the whole police force. You would of done right by silencing the NPC's but, you used a MP5, So you left like 5-8 NPC's who haered the gun shots. But this is just my opinion.
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Well, I took a look at your video, and seems very confusing. However I can point atleast the rules / the situation, of what happened.

First of all, you had an accident, matty was making / asking you to pay the damage of his car, because he tought you were driving in the wrong side of the road (which is true), then on your video, it seems that matty was taking out a gun, he then asked again to pay the money to fix his car, you didn't and he told you this: "ok, I'm gonna find you, and I'm going to kill you" and he Saved his gun on the trunk (after making the threat), then skipping some time, matty came and punched you, and you decided to kill him (Braking Rule(s) : 3.4 / 3.3 / 2.1, at least in my opinion, because punching you and then using nearly 40 bullets to kill him ( half MP5 mag + Full Supressed Barretta mag), is risking your life by going to jail for life time sentence, not reallistic at all, IRL, a guy would just, start a fight hand by hand, or etc..., not kill him, AND if he threatened you, you could have called 911, because you already had a lot of information to put him into jail). Then here it comes, but everyone already told it, NPC's, there were 7 NPCs (except the NPCs on the hospital), so 2 on the bank as the other is looking to the other way, 2 on the COS Hardware, 1 NPC on the Safety First shop, 1 NPC on the Fish Shop, 1 on the Coffee Shop, or course I'm actually not talking about the remaining ones, because they would assist as soon they heard the noisy MP5 shots (Breaking Rule: 6.3).

So this means, that you ignored the NPCs, I know that you tried to deal with 2 of them, but there were 7 and even more coming to see the situation. Also you shouldn't have killed him, because as I said above you would break (and you did) Rule: 3.4, 3.3, 2.1. You could have called the 911. :(

I completely Support this ban request. + Support

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Right, if you guys dont mind im going to give my honest opinion on the entire situation.

Billy... Even though matty may of "threatened" you by saying "I will find you and i will kill you" It still dosent justify you killing him in one of the busiest parts of the map.

Admittindly you did take some NPC's into account, however. You still partially did break 6.3, there was just too many NPC's in the city to actually deal with, by the time you'd of threatened the ones in uncle co's the NPC's in the bank would of phoned up the police and you'd of been caught red handed. On top of that the roadcrew officer saw everything and would of (most likely) gone and told the officer as you drove off.

Now, onto Matty.. Matty, you also broke 6.3. You pulled out your weapon right infront of the two NPC's in Uncles Co's so they'd of actually phoned the police and you'd of been taken to jail. Essentially you risked your life for an in-valid reason and I feel that a warning for you would be justified.

Overall what Billy did wasent needed as Matty had "threatened" you by word of mouth. Im sorry, but i feel that a ban is neccesary.

+Support on this Ban Request.
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United Kingdom
He did have a gun on him thought when he threatened me and when he punched me I thought he had a gun on him since you know 30 seconds before he did just threaten my life. I don't feel a ban is necessary considering he broke the rules first, granted two wrongs don't make a right but he would have been arrested first and I wouldn't have shot him if he did get taken to the police station.
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Your nans house
A ban is meant to be put in place to teach the person the rule(s) which they have broken. Billy obviously tried his best to go through the NPC's in order to follow the rule 6.3 which clearly shows he knows it. But in times like that you don't always think 100% on what you're doing, as all you want to do is get out of there.

I think that a warning at max would be valid because then it wouldn't happen again, as he didn't really break anything major I guess.
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United Kingdom
Well, I took a look at your video, and seems very confusing. However I can point atleast the rules / the situation, of what happened.

First of all, you had an accident, matty was making / asking you to pay the damage of his car, because he tought you were driving in the wrong side of the road (which is true), then on your video, it seems that matty was taking out a gun, he then asked again to pay the money to fix his car, you didn't and he told you this: "ok, I'm gonna find you, and I'm going to kill you" and he Saved his gun on the trunk (after making the threat), then skipping some time, matty came and punched you, and you decided to kill him (Braking Rule(s) : 3.4 / 3.3 / 2.1, at least in my opinion, because punching you and then using nearly 40 bullets to kill him ( half MP5 mag + Full Supressed Barretta mag), is risking your life by going to jail for life time sentence, not reallistic at all, IRL, a guy would just, start a fight hand by hand, or etc..., not kill him, AND if he threatened you, you could have called 911, because you already had a lot of information to put him into jail). Then here it comes, but everyone already told it, NPC's, there were 7 NPCs (except the NPCs on the hospital), so 2 on the bank as the other is looking to the other way, 2 on the COS Hardware, 1 NPC on the Safety First shop, 1 NPC on the Fish Shop, 1 on the Coffee Shop, or course I'm actually not talking about the remaining ones, because they would assist as soon they heard the noisy MP5 shots (Breaking Rule: 6.3).

I completely Support this ban request. + Support

This is the most biased, useless +Support I've ever read.
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United Kingdom
Is everyone forgetting the fact that he threatened my life with a m4 1 minute prior?! How did I know that he didn't have a gun on him himself! I had every right to shoot him otherwise every time I see him I'm gonna be living in fear because of the threat.
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ur nan's dungeon
Right, if you guys dont mind im going to give my honest opinion on the entire situation.

Billy... Even though matty may of "threatened" you by saying "I will find you and i will kill you" It still dosent justify you killing him in one of the busiest parts of the map.

Admittindly you did take some NPC's into account, however. You still partially did break 6.3, there was just too many NPC's in the city to actually deal with, by the time you'd of threatened the ones in uncle co's the NPC's in the bank would of phoned up the police and you'd of been caught red handed. On top of that the roadcrew officer saw everything and would of (most likely) gone and told the officer as you drove off.

Now, onto Matty.. Matty, you also broke 6.3. You pulled out your weapon right infront of the two NPC's in Uncles Co's so they'd of actually phoned the police and you'd of been taken to jail. Essentially you risked your life for an in-valid reason and I feel that a warning for you would be justified.

Overall what Billy did wasent needed as Matty had "threatened" you by word of mouth. Im sorry, but i feel that a ban is neccesary.

+Support on this Ban Request.
I know that getting a gun out of my trunk was going to the extremes, but I realised that and therefor put it back and went off. Thereby I think that there simply would not be enough time for the NPCs to phone the police, and for the police to arrive in time before me going away from the situation. Also I did not yell anything out like for an example: "Now you give me that fucking money or I'll blow ya head off mate!", I just casually took the gun out and on my back, went over to Billy and asked him nicely again if he would pay for the damages. When he then said no, I went back, stored the gun and went off.
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Is everyone forgetting the fact that he threatened my life with a m4 1 minute prior?! How did I know that he didn't have a gun on him himself! I had every right to shoot him otherwise every time I see him I'm gonna be living in fear because of the threat.
I've spoke about this with Alabin. Matty will be dealt with appropriatly. Don't worry (I'm on my phone so I can't use the comment function.)


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England, West Midlands
In my opinion, you are both are in the wrong. Matty, should not of pulled a gun out over a car when he and you was both swerving into each others lanes. Pulling a gun out over a crash you half caused it pointless and in front of about 6 NPC's is totally unrealistic. However Billy you did kill him in front of NPC's also, but from my point of view that should only be a warning as you tried to deal with them accordingly.

Matty, you passed the red light causing you to crash into him, if you had not ran that red light none of this would of happened, then you asked him to pay for it when you 'caused it'.
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ur nan's dungeon
In my opinion, you are both are in the wrong. Matty, should not of pulled a gun out over a car when he and you was both swerving into each others lanes. Pulling a gun out over a crash you half caused it pointless and in front of about 6 NPC's is totally unrealistic. However Billy you did kill him in front of NPC's also, but from my point of view that should only be a warning as you tried to deal with them accordingly.

Matty, you passed the red light causing you to crash into him, if you had not ran that red light none of this would of happened, then you asked him to pay for it when you 'caused it'.
I know and I do regret that I let my frustation take over me because of my wrecked car, and I do see that. I know I had a gun on me in a public setting but it was fairly dark, the NPCs in the COS Hardware store would have a hard time seeing the gun on my back when it was dark and I was standing on the other side of me and Billy's car. The NPCs in the bank would also have a hard time seeing me, since it was both dark, they were really far away and IRL they would probably be busy with other costumers. I also had the NPCs in mind, and that is why I did not take out my gun and point nor yell at Billy, also I quickly took off after threatening Billy and did not have the gun on my back.
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Regarding the accident itself NiebuhrBeast were mostly at fault by driving on a red light signal.
As the act itself of driving on the wrong side of a dashed one lane road, is not illegal. However it can be seen as reckless driving which is clearly the case in this situation. Therefor, you both are at fault.

Matty will be recieving a warning for breaking rule 6.3 Taking NPCs into Consideration. He should not of pulled out his M4A1 and threaten Billy.
There were at least 4 NPC that would of seen the car crash and most probably come out to check on the involved. If they would of stayed in their respective shops they would still of been within 10m of the crash and easily seen everything that was going on through the windows.

Billy will be receving a 3 day ban for breaking rule 6.3 and killing Matty without a valid reason.
It has been said that you tried to deal with the NPCs and therefor shown that you know rule 6.3.
However I believe that if you honestly knew the rule you would not have shot NiebuhrBeast in the first place, because there were way to many NPCs and witnesses to deal with with even if you would of tried to tie, gag, threaten etc. all of them.

Now to the killing of Matty, he punched you yes. He threatened you earlier and put the weapon back in the trunk of his car, yes.
You shot him in the back when he was jogging away from you, when you proceeded to weild your Mp5 he was standing still on the crosswalk seemingly being confused of by whom and why he was shot at.
What would I like for you to do instead? Simple. Call the Police. As soon as Matty took out his M4A1 you should off called the police and had him arrested. If you would not have called the police at that time you should at least of done so when he assaulted you.

If you would like to speak with me about this decision, I am available on TS and Steam (feel free to add me).
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