Action Request (Allen)

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Your Steam Name: Deshawn Tyson
Your Roleplay Name: Deshawn Tyson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:113138281

Player's Steam Name: Allen
Player's Roleplay Name: Allen Kennedy
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50229236

Why should this player be punished?: he ran me over as firefighter when i tried to gunpoint an officer out of a car and i know firefighters, EMS, RC etc. needs to stay out of these situations so i wanted to report him.
Note: Evidence is at the end of the clip

Evidence Link:
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Great Britain
If you watch the clip you'll see I was still going about 30 mph and attempting to slow down. I realised that either way I was gonna end up hitting you so I floored it and you got pancaked and it was fucking funny.
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so you didnt mean to hit me? if you keep lying ill post my demo and staff can hear the things you told me in voice chat, admittin youve done in on purpose but thinking its not against the rules and with 30 mph you cant say you were gonna hit me either way. you did it on purpose and you didnt cut down on your speed.
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Aight ill wait for a staff to deal with this. Thanks for providing the evidence for me
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Great Britain
@Allen Kennedy why were you speeding towards them to begin with?
I saw no reason as to why the suspect would be armed, as he'd just been revived on a somewhat secured scene, so I followed the officer, with the plan being to position myself in an opportune location somewhere around swooper road or puffer street and report what exit out of suburbs he took.

My immediate assumption was that he'd take advantage of his car's superior speed and handling and make his escape somewhere, as opposed to going straight to suburbs storage and racing against the clock to make a stand. He didn't do this, which in my opinion is kind of silly. If I wasn't armed and I was being pursued, I'd focus on getting away in my far superior vehicle, as opposed to going to suburbs storage and risking my own life by making a stand. I'm curious as to why Deshawn didn't do this, as it would have been a far less risky thing to do. In fact, I'd argue that had he decided to flee from suburbs in the tesla, he would've certainly escaped to business or city and had ample opportunity to rearm and prepare. Instead he stopped almost immediately and left himself mere seconds to arm himself at storage. I mean, he took out a mossberg shotgun, who takes out a mossberg instead of any other kind of rifle or submachinegun? That in my mind just proves that he clicked on the first weapon he saw in his storage.

I didn't go to swooper road or puffer street and instead continued on, as the officer reported he had the suspect, and I wanted to witness the apprehension of the seemingly unarmed suspect, and laugh at his misfortune. The fact that he was armed was merely a consequence of his bad decision making, deciding to make a stand with limited time to prepare instead of fleeing, which in my mind was a very risky play, especially when escape would've been almost guaranteed otherwise.

Once it became clear he was armed, it's quite clear from the video that I slowed down, but immediately realised that running him over would be the safest and easiest thing to do, given that the alternative would be swerving to avoid him and crashing into his parked vehicle, or stopping short and likely hitting him anyway or ending up right in his line of fire. I didn't go out of my way to run him over, though I won't deny it was fucking hilarious, and I gloated extensively thereafter.

Truth be told, I'd love to see Deshawn's POV on this, as I can't imagine his decision to arm himself at storage with so little time to prepare would've been a smart idea, considering how easy an escape would've been. In my opinion he deliberately started a shootout that he was ill-prepared for, with no forethought, and ignored the option of a bloodless escape, which would have had practically zero risk. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that.
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I’m somewhat satisfied with Allens initial justification but know in future @Allen Kennedy to always avoid situations where shots could be fired, you were aware he was a raid suspect and therefor should make reasonable precautions to avoid being shot at any opportunity.

@Deshawn Tyson making an escape isn’t driving like 30 yards from the initial crime scene. I’m confident in my decision that you would probably have died to the officer anyways given you were blasting his moving car with a shotgun, which he could have likely driven away from, distanced himself from you and killed you. Had you driven up to the highway on the other hand, there’s no way that officer would reasonably be able to pursue you and be hot on your trail.

Neither users will be punished beyond you losing a gun and @Allen Kennedy having to type up a wall of text.
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