31st of July Sunday

Reaction score
(for people asking; "why post this here?" There are multiple reasons for that, sure this wasn't a long time I was gone for but it could very well happen again any time which means this is a head warning if I do disappear again unnoticed)

No clue if anyone's going to really care, but I had quite the situation on my hands, heck I wasn't even in control.

I have been gone for a short period of time due to some health issues, on Sunday the 31st of July I had my second asthma attack for like, ever, my first one was when I was eight. I had fainted 3 times beforehand, whilst playing games on the same day (playing perp if anyone would want to know)

When I started having issues breathing, that was the moment I knew I had to grab my medicine. Of course I had put that away long ago thinking I was fine, no.
I rushed downstairs and into the kitchen where in a small drawer was my medicine, quickly after taking it I fainted and when I wake up I am in hospital and it's two days later, I went home on the same day I woke up on.

I had decided to take an entire day off and just rest and recover, making that count for three days.

If anyone witnessed me crashing around my cruiser in-game, it was purely linked to this event.
Anyways, I'm back and ready for action.