Search results

  1. Aero


    most wanted edit is sick, wasted opportunity for a racing/cdm montage
  2. Aero

    thanks big black sir

    thanks big black sir
  3. Aero

    thanks mr

    thanks mr
  4. Aero

    thanks fellow goat

    thanks fellow goat
  5. Aero

    thanks scaper

    thanks scaper
  6. Aero

    Is gambling worth it?

    everything on red
  7. Aero

    Odd food combinations you love

    baked beans, mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs all mixed together, looks like fucking shit but it tastes insanely good
  8. Aero

    Best property to solo base?

    I used to grow in the little junkyard cabin and sit at bazaar/car dealer sniping anyone trying to bobby pin it
  9. Aero

    Current favourite songs V2 [OFFICIAL]

    insane fucking bangers mate i'll throw in a batch too
  10. Aero

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    it's membrane
  11. Aero

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    I got the Corsair K70 MX Silent and it's pretty silent as the name says with the same feel Btw don't get a membrane it sucks
  12. Aero

    Windows activation Basically just run this powershell command: irm | iex It will give you a few options like for which windows it is and that's it. -OR- If you want a legit license, you can buy $1 keys...
  13. Aero

    State of Roleplay - 2023

    just add a leaderboard of most kills at this point
  14. Aero

    whos actually successful from perp?

    yeah my bazaar music remix got me bookings to play on mainstage Liquicity, Let It Roll, ADE, EDC, Tomorrowland, Ultra Music, Coachella, Lollapalooza, what can I say
  15. Aero

    Spotify Wrapped 2023

    Also thanks for streaming The Bazaar xx
  16. Aero

    Spotify Wrapped 2023

    @Sorle throwback to when I posted this last year and found out ur also into dnb and then randomly met at Liquicity
  17. Aero

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2023 - Vote

    Bazaar remix for most creative :pompus:
  18. Aero

    Paintball: Why or why not?

    Then buy a gun that hurts more :)
  19. Aero

    You produce music? Send your work here!

    Reviving this thread with my work I mainly produce drum & bass in FL studio My first serious release The very famous Bazaar remix Also just dropped this remix
  20. Aero

    Bazaar music but it's dnb

    After alot of people liked the bazaar remix, I wanted to do better and started taking producing a bit more serious and put more effort into it. So I'm happy to announce I just released my very own track called "Destiny". Go give it a listen! :)
  21. Aero

    Server Suggestion Minigame on black screen

    Just add subway surfers gameplay
  22. Aero

    I need Clash of Clans clan

    th levels?
  23. Aero

    100 One Taps In One Video

    now this is how you make montages of 1 kill clips
  24. Aero

    What Programming language do you use/What are your shticks?

    I've written stuff in C#, C++, PHP, Python and Rust but use javascript/typescript on a daily basis as I do web development. I've used frontend frameworks like React, Vue, Nuxt, Angular (sucks), Blazor/Razor and backend frameworks like ASP.NET, Express (Node) and Rocket (Rust). I could name a...
  25. Aero

    16th, 18th and 21st birthday gifts

    16 permission to drink 18 permission to drink more 21 permission to gamble
  26. Aero

    Bazaar music but it's dnb but you wouldn't be able to get a linkin park mashup on spotify anyways lmao
  27. Aero

    Bazaar music but it's dnb

    It's on spotify now
  28. Aero

    Weird ping issue

    If connecting over ethernet really isn't an option I would recommend getting a powerline adapter, alot better than those shitty wifi receivers.
  29. Aero

    Best tesco meal deal

    why do you british people all have crisps with your meals wtf