Search results

  1. Yaseen


    No, the problem still occurs
  2. Yaseen

    Free Palestine and happy birthday!

    Free Palestine and happy birthday!
  3. Yaseen

    Map ideas needed

    roundabouts finally ?
  4. Yaseen

    Post your pets

    This is an old pic of my dog , he is a chunk of fat now
  5. Yaseen

    and add er at the end. Perfection

    and add er at the end. Perfection
  6. Yaseen

    Can't join servers, connection failed after 6 retries

    happened to me and my both brothers, maybe Israel Internet is shit ? I dunno how they did fix it
  7. Yaseen

    Disagree if you are gay

    Disagree if you are gay
  8. Yaseen

    would you let her crush your head

    Depends on what head
  9. Yaseen


    Und das heisst ERIKA
  10. Yaseen


    ain't no fucking way dude, you deserve an award for inventing that trampoline shit
  11. Yaseen

    VR games

    Just smashed my lip by the edge of the desk when I went to crouch to grab something in VR smh
  12. Yaseen

    VR games

    I've seen some videos before, but I totally forgot about this game, ill def will try it
  13. Yaseen

    VR games

    not exactly my type of gun but it looks fun, maybe if you guys still play it ill join
  14. Yaseen

    VR games

    I have recently bought Oculus Quest 2 (finally). I have been following the news about VR from the very start but didn't have the money to buy it. I have tried half-life Alyx and Propagation and Pavlov demo so far. I was wondering what games do you guys recommend? And if anyone is up for playing...
  15. Yaseen

    Server Suggestion First Aid Kit Ability

    Thanks for putting this through, I haven't actually thought of this. Now after these cons are listed, I don't think this idea will be implemented but there must be a way for the medic to heal himself in case he gets injured, right?
  16. Yaseen

    Advertised as Serious Roleplay Server

    Is this the real Tanges ? wtf
  17. Yaseen

    TFU Duke "The Money" Ford clutches up

    "You already know" lol
  18. Yaseen

    He is lying, that his alt account

    He is lying, that his alt account
  19. Yaseen

    Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)

    Khabib approves
  20. Yaseen

    Server Suggestion Let buddies physgun items on sale in F4

    This is a nice suggestion but it can be used in another way such as, it is one of the features of having a premium. In my opinion, it would affect negatively selling it because "what's the point of buying premium when your friend can lift the stuff for you". I would like to see it implemented as...
  21. Yaseen

    You are just mad because the guy got a better aim than you

    You are just mad because the guy got a better aim than you
  22. Yaseen

    Server Suggestion First Aid Kit Ability

    Suggestion Title: First Aid Kit Ability Suggestion Description: Make the Medics/Firefighters have the ability to heal themselves Why should this be added?: Isnt it a bit ironic when a Medic/Firefighter can heal the others but not himself ? What negatives could this have?: None
  23. Yaseen


    He does have his own copy
  24. Yaseen


    So I came to a conclusion, I and my brother play on the server. if one of us plays alone without the other being connected to the server it works just fine without having any trouble regarding disconnection but if we play together one of us will keep getting auto-disconnect. As of the IP...
  25. Yaseen

    Server Suggestion Change the location of the Courier's package information (DUPLICATE SUGGESTION)

    Didn't see the thread. If a staff member can remove my post would appreciate it
  26. Yaseen

    Server Suggestion Change the location of the Courier's package information (DUPLICATE SUGGESTION)

    Suggestion Title: Change the location of the Courier's package information Suggestion Description: So, I became a courier today and I have noticed that the package information has a phone number listed, when you pull up your phone to call your customer you will no longer see the phone number...
  27. Yaseen


    So, I started playing on the server again yesterday and the server kept promoting "Auto-disconnect in X seconds" every 5-10 minutes although I am connected to steam and my internet works just fine. It is really annoying, the game is literally unplayable at this point. I tried to search over the...
  28. Yaseen

    A comeback

    hahaha, thanks
  29. Yaseen

    A comeback

  30. Yaseen

    A comeback
