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  1. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Well I give up

    Toxicity ✔ Everyone cares more about frag movies and having a "good KD" than RP ✔ What little org wars remain are settled in ARs ✔ Marksmanship is still in the game ✔ The Devs have turned into the TF2Team ✔ Everyone just zergs or memes around ✔ I'm just too nostalgic to play now, knowing that...
  2. The Strange Deranged Mage

    The Old Gmod Thread

    The Real OGs post here Anyone remember Fretta? First Gmod screenshot I ever took, December 10, 2011. It was my first big project and I made a little railway. Frankly, I have no clue what this is, but tbt to when my computer didn't even have a GPU. Bring back toybox My 12-year-old self...
  3. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Let us use attachments in the firing range

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Let us use attachments in the firing range Full description of the idea: People can either bring their own attachments, or as @TinySlayer suggested the attachments can come with the gun your using...
  4. The Strange Deranged Mage

    PH Meme Thread

    To take our minds off the PLPD is killing the server train, let's make a meme thread. Rules Must relate to a common occurrence on the server or forums. Most have at least some effort put into it. No Slander. I shall start off
  5. The Strange Deranged Mage

    How can we save Criminal RP?

    Currently, as I see it, there is no competition regarding rival organizations. It is mostly a single org that does all damage, most of the few remaining bases are controlled by orgless friends. I remember the days where literally every single apartment was bought and filled with jubilant growers...
  6. The Strange Deranged Mage

    AR on...

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Mr Wink His/Her Steam/In-game Name: nuckfiggers His/Her SteamID: 0:1:80465059 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke 3.4, when he his car was sitting still and a gun inches away he decided to break for it. I then lost the resulting gunfight. It all started when...
  7. The Strange Deranged Mage

    RR from an RDMer

    Your in-game name: Omar Aladeen Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35691857 What do you need refunded: MP5K with a full magazine, stock, and suppressor Why do you want your item(s) refunded: An RDMer at Fredy's shot me, he was promptly taken into an Admin sit with @Draxen and warned. Draxen allowed me to...
  8. The Strange Deranged Mage

    I've had an amazing time with everyone

    Well this is my last week of summer, before I'm off to university. I am going to leave my lousy potato at home, and I am going to abandon gaming for some time at university to concentrate on my studies. Towards the end of the year or once I learn self control I may buy a laptop, even then my...
  9. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Gino's Eagles Bar

    Welcome to Gino's Eagles Bar Not only are we the only bar in Paralake City We are also the only Eagles Bar in a 50 mile radius! Menu Beer Some Burgers from Fredy's The "Add more Food @Fredy" Special Pumpkin Spice Coffee Hot dogs that you have to RP being cheese-steaks Yep its Phillies...
  10. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Robbie Rotten appreciation thread

    Rest in Peace, he was #1 in our hearts ;( Post your favorite Robbie Rotten moments here.
  11. The Strange Deranged Mage


    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Marksmanship is to be toned down to be more available overall to everyone, or removed completely. Full description of the idea: Marksmanship as stated in the discussion is a flawed system. It takes millions of...
  12. The Strange Deranged Mage


    It's a new gamemode designed by Foohy, same dev behind Gmod Tower It's gmod on acid, you're obeying some furfag cats into stealing shit from literally any map in the entire game. It's a lot of fun!
  13. The Strange Deranged Mage

    I'm off

    Well this is it everybody, I ain’t coming back, or maybe I will if we get it together. Still trying to think to myself about what killed it for me, the PD Whitelist or Olsen and its negative impact it left on the server. But this was the last straw, no more simple and easy to use system so...
  14. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Bomb defusal with the PLPD

    Original without VJ Emmie
  15. The Strange Deranged Mage

    The PUBG explosion

    I still don't get why a game that has been out for less than a year has managed to castrate several player records, become one of the most streamed games, made people already predict weirdos dancing on CSGO's grave, and now has gotten SEEYAPIMP in it like Rising Storm 2. Can anyone elaborate...
  16. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Prohibition PERP: The Idea

    So I just wanted to get this idea out of my system into the real world, it may become a thing, it probably won't. Whatever happens its an ambitious idea that I wanted to show you guys. The Synopsis The gamemode will take place in Paralake, but there's a catch, it takes 85 years into the past...
  17. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Best lua tutorial to get started with SWEPs?

    So I'm getting started with lua and I want to start with programming a very simple hitscan pistol. Problem is so many tutorials have fluctuating information, some saying to place your weapon in your lua folder, or your addons folder, some saying to have 1 lua file, others saying I need a shared...
  18. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Crashing with no Errors

    So when I decided to return to PH, some scripts I had a while were conflicting with my experience and giving me invisible players and colorless cars. I did a complete flush of Gmod (reinstalling from scratch via deleting the folder and reinstalling). I downloaded the content again and those are...
  19. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Minge Attack 2: Return to the Shit Servers

    Be be founded by my editing powers
  20. The Strange Deranged Mage

    The Minge Attack

    Me and @Eviction Notice taught HL2RPers how to have some gun fun. It failed miserably
  21. The Strange Deranged Mage

    pls help

    Help my lights feel like Minecraft or @Rustic7 tweaked with them.
  22. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Well thank you for having me

    If you hadn't noticed, tis the day I have officially joined this incredible community a meagre year ago. No other Garry's Mod community is as kind, well done, massive, active, or splendid as this one, with the possible exception of Gmod Tower. My Story basically evolves me around 1942RP (DarkRP...
  23. The Strange Deranged Mage

    -Close This-

    Your in-game name: Sergio Luchiczi Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35691857 What do you need refunded: A VIP drug batch Why do you want your item(s) refunded: After holding off another batch of raiders, the police come and deal another raider camping outside. Though I order the police not to shoot me...
  24. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Well that was quick

    Ehhhhhhhhhh So basically after an exhausting 3 month sports season... I'm done and my activity should strengthen. If that is my new love for Shogun 2 doesn't take me first. If you can't elaborate I'm gonna be more free and active after my classes. See ya on coming 4 u @Ezrider :booty:
  25. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Most common adverts

    Everyone knows adverts come prone to AIDS all the time. Post your most seen adverts IG here. If you seen other AIDS put it down below ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  26. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Remove the organisation forum rule Let's go over some things regarding this before it's cut down to heavy facts. The rule is barely enforced. The rule is heavily disliked. Some staff have went on a sit down strike and refuse to enforce the rule. The rule makes...
  27. The Strange Deranged Mage


    Your in-game name: Gino Luchiczi Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35691857 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: My Action Request was "accepted" as the result of nearly four rule infringements. 1x Fully Loaded Remington Evidence: Tick: N/A
  28. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Ar on some bums

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Gino Luchiczi His/Her Steam/In-game Name: CrazyChris, abomb_, and Wolf His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53137589, STEAM_0:1:49079992, STEAM_0:1:70158983 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Users broke 3.4, 2.5, 6.3, 5.1, and 3.5; Upon killing all three of them in a raid...
  29. The Strange Deranged Mage


    You have most likely not seen me on the server that often, being less active than @Xquality. My different timezone does not help either. So basically I have been doing a time consuming warmup-phase for my High-School swim season, this gives me almost no free time after school, even if I have...