Recent content by jackbradlley

  1. jackbradlley

    Why aren't you playing?

    I just got burned out and wasn't having fun
  2. jackbradlley

    Happy Birthday My Old Friend

    Happy Birthday My Old Friend
  3. jackbradlley

    Hello all I am Back

    Hello all i am back The one and only Jack Ireland and i hope to have a good time on here and see what has changed
  4. jackbradlley

    I think its time.

    awwww i am sad to see you go as i was with you when you first joined i hope you have fun my friend and i wish you all the best of luck
  5. jackbradlley


    Yeah Dishonoerd i got the game of the year edition and it is fantastic and i have loved it i have finished it about 12 times and still have all the dlc to finish yet +support
  6. jackbradlley

    My inactivity and my goodbye

    Hey all, as most of you don't really know me but i wanted to say that i am leaving perp to take my roleplaying to a hole new level and i wanted to say that i hope perp gets better for you all and i wish perp all the best and good luck to you all with perp and a big thank you to all of you that...
  7. jackbradlley

    Goodbye, Perpheads!

    Goodbye Sleep Hope we will Speack Soon
  8. jackbradlley

    Christmas Premium Giveaway!

    Steam Name Draculary Steam ID STEAM_0:1:58244083 A number 1-100 16
  9. jackbradlley

    Have a merry chismas and a happy new year

    Have a merry chismas and a happy new year
  10. jackbradlley

    How much have you spent on a game?

    Mine Is 981h In One Game Alone
  11. jackbradlley

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  12. jackbradlley

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  13. jackbradlley

    Defending our home! Perpheads gameplay

    Great Vid Worth The Upload Time lol
  14. jackbradlley


    Yw Not A Problem Hope You Enjoy Your Time That Is All That Matters
  15. jackbradlley

    An intro

    Welcome Enjoy Your Time On Perp @Filden