Raiding rules guideline.

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Brief guide explaining the raiding rule, and what does and doesn't count as a raid.

Civilians are not allowed to raid, or assist others who are raiding, an occupied property more than 2 times in a 60 minute period, or raid the same property more than once in a 60 minute period. If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 1 hour after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property. Players who died whilst being raided may also not return to the situation until it has finished. Players are only permitted to use 2 bombs per raid, timed or remote. This does not include grenades.

If a neighbouring property assists or attempts to defend a property you are raiding, you may raid the neighbouring property which will be counted as the same raid.

This rule does not apply to players participating in City Hall or PD raids for the purpose of mayoral assassination or breaking players out of jail.

What counts as an "Occupied" property:

A property where someone is inside for any use or reason.

- Raiding a "PassiveRP" establishment, even if you leave the occupants alone, Constitutes as a raid.
- If you attack another player during the raid, regardless of the property being occupied, It counts as a raid.
- If the property was not holding players, but had drugs inside, it counts as a raid.
- If there was a raid ongoing or subsided and you took any item from the raid, that counts as you being involved in that raid, regardless of how many people are left alive. (Doing this usually is against the rules regardless)
- These rules do not apply to the Police force at this moment in time.

What is a "Neighbouring property" and how does them assisting affect my raid timer:
Properties that attack you in defence of the property being raided means that the property assisting becomes linked to the currently raided property, Meaning that these properties both will now count as a single raid.

What raids don't count as raids:
- Raiding the PD for a jailbreak.
- Raiding city hall or a property owned by the mayor for the purpose of mayoral assassination.

This will be updated soon with more answers to questions!
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