Recent content by omgguy

  1. omgguy

    Hello PH

    Welcome back! Hope you enjoy the new updates
  2. omgguy

    Signing into PLPD

    When’s it gonna be fixed? Any idea
  3. omgguy

    What colour is your Bugatti?

    For Chriss sakes I haven't made a forum in about a week leave me alone
  4. omgguy


  5. omgguy

    Server Suggestion Disable access to server broadcast chats whilst frozen.

    I’m traumatised from the n words spammed by people +1
  6. omgguy

    What colour is your Bugatti?

    My one sky blue
  7. omgguy

    He’s a maniac

    He’s a maniac
  8. omgguy

    anyone got good free editing software

    ok i gave all my personal info to a rando company but the actual SOFTWARE wont open, there are three peices, DaVinci, blackmagic generator, and blackmagic player. and davinci wont open
  9. omgguy

    Kebab with ketchup

    Ban this man immediately this in unacceptable I would understand ketchup BUT APPLE FUCKING SAUCE?!
  10. omgguy

    anyone got good free editing software

    which one should I get there are four
  11. omgguy

    anyone got good free editing software

    preferably without a watermark, or a small one
  12. omgguy

    hallo ich bin helga

    not even close buddy ; )
  13. omgguy

    Server Suggestion Let buddies physgun items on sale in F4

    Add it to the standard menu when interacting with someone +1
  14. omgguy

    Cyan Syndicate - Recruitment Info & applications

    What’s your name? I’ll be hangin round bazaar on Friday
  15. omgguy

    Cyan Syndicate - Recruitment Info & applications

    In character/RP Name: Max quit Out of Character Name: omgguy Playtime: 5 days How active are you?: basically every day after this week What is your timezone?: england Previous experience/Orgs: was in a closed org Premium?: si Who Recommended the Cyan Syndicate?: found this post What Roles do you...